
I am 4 days past ovulation and have lots of white watery discharge? What does this mean?

by  |  earlier

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I ovulated about Aug19 lots of cervical moucous aug 17-19 and my husband and I had intercourse on aug 17 and 20 could this be a pregnancy sign??????




  1. Unfortunately, cervical mucus is not a reliable indicator of early pregnancy. At 4 dpo, you would not have any symptoms yet, in any case. Implantation occurs about 5-10 dpo and only when a fertilized egg has implanted will you begin to notice 'signs'. That said, the 'signs' are identical to PMS, so it's really useless to worry yourself until it's time to test. I wish it were different. But after 16 months TTC #3 I have learned not to try to guess, though I do know that's not easy.

    Cervical mucus changes with your hormones. Many times a woman will have an extra estrogen surge or two in their luteal phase that will cause some cervical mucus.  It doesn't mean you are pregnant, but it doesn't mean you're not, either!  I wish you the best of luck! My fingers are crossed for you!

  2. i don't know what that is - but i get it each month. it feels like you panty is wet as if you've had an "accident". lol

    how do you say this? i'm quite a "discharge lady"...i have it all the time as in the book and when i did get pregnant, everything was normal except that discharge increased in quantity but that was later on...when i was many weeks pregnant ( i don't remember the exact time when i HAD to use panty liners everyday), but i was possibly 2- 3 months pregnant.

    so i don't think you can tell this early - just by checking discharge. anyway good luck and baby dust!

  3. i normally get discharge after ovulation then it drys up after 3 or 4 days but when i found out i was pregnant it stayed the same and never dried up and still have it now I'm 9 weeks  

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