
I am 40/1 weeks pregnant, i had few contractions not very regular for one hour?

by  |  earlier

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and then pretty regular for for every 10 mins for 45 mins and every 5 mins for 30 mins and few for every 10 mins for 30 mins and .....back pain is there ...i do have contractions now but not very painful or bleeding or show or water hasn't broke....i am due in 2 days time............can anybody please tell me what's going on?




  1. it sounds like you could go into labor soon, or you could still be pregnant for another week. as you get closer to your due date your contractions will become more regular. sometimes they'll be very regular for an hour or two and then drop off to being more irregular.  i know that isn't encouraging to hear but that's the way it is.

  2. sounds` like labour is starting but because it is irregular it could be a while yet ,if the pain gets worse or the contractions go on for a more prolonged time go to the hospital.

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