
I am 40 and I want to go to Thailand for three months. It seems rather lame but I am paranoid about theft ...?

by  |  earlier

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... and I don't have credit cards - I only have a debit card (which I can use abroad) to get cash from an ATM.

I am told to bring a mixture of cash/travelers checks and my ATM card but I worry about theft.

What do other travelers do to offset this fear.

I went to the UK last year for 6 months and I was paranoid the whole time of losing my ATM card or it being swallowed by the machine.




  1. I have experience with this same fear:-) Several things you can do:

    1) get another copy of your ATM/debit card (banks DO do this) them in different locations of backpack

    2) only carry the card with you when you are going to an ATM. And then take the card back to your room right then before you do anything else...I admit it...I do this..I'm paranoid.

    3) carry backup cash, outside your normal traveling budget

    4) get a Thai bank account (I do this because I am a regular traveler in Thailand. I try to always keep it filled with 30,000 baht or so. you might not be able to do this, it depends on the Visa type you have and your ability to talk them into giving you an account).

    5) I personally don't mess with travelers checks due to the hidden fees and carrying them around...but many people do use them. I prefer having backup cards and cash

    6) use the room safe or hotel safe if they have one. I think you'll find that the Thais are not the ones to worry about....most likely it will be a fellow westerner who rips you off.

    7) if you plan on being a regular traveler here in the Kingdom, meet people. Make friends..if something goes wrong you might be glad you have a friend in-country. I recently bailed out a friend who's ATM didn't work after he arrived (the bank considered the foreign country charge to be suspicious and froze the account). and that reminds me....

    8) might want to let the bank/card company know about your travel plans to avoid the chance that they'll freeze the card.

    9) I was scared BADLY one time in Prague by an ATM that ate my card...the screen was not in english of course and if I could have read the message on it, it was saying out of order! So anyway I panicked of course, but a random stranger walked by (this was in the Kotva shopping center in Prague), pushed a few buttons, and the card popped out...whew! Only time in my travels that has happened. Good idea to have two cards, and make sure you have the help number for your card company.


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