
I am 40 yrs old male, lives in CA. Just out of job. I need low cost health insurance. Anybody know about this?

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I know that medical only for over 65 or under 21 or disabled person. My friend told me to try welfare. But I don't think I'm qualified. If you have any advice, please help me.





  1. Your only option is to go to a County facility or clinic. They will offer a sliding scale to pay for services. You can google your county + county medical facilities to find them or look in your phone book under County Listings.

  2. If you don't qualify for government assistance check out a short term health policy.  Companies offer these limited coverage policies for people in just your situation - temporarily unemployed, or in the probation period for new employment, kids just graduated college and no longer on their parents policies but not covered through a job yet...

    Because the coverage is limited and they may not  cover preexisting conditions they're pretty affordable.  I know State Farm has one as I used to sell it often before I retired.

    If you do have pre-existing conditions your only other option may be COBRA through your former employer, but I know that's very expensive.

    Best of luck!

  3. Go apply.  You don't know if you qualify unless you try.  They will let you know.

  4. based on your condition,I believe you should find something useful here.

  5. Find out if you qualify for Medi-Cal...

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