
I am 44 years old have hyperpigmentation over cheek bones. I want to know best Homeopath medicine for this.?

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this problem is since 18 months all alopathy and home remedies are not working.




  1. Sounds like possible,Rosacea for which there is treatment. You might consider Vitamin K cream or lastly consider a consult with a plastic surgeon, many of the first visits are a free consultation.

  2. My understanding is that hyperpigmentation increases in perimenopause. Are you taking anything that would predispose you to photosensitivity, like St. John's Wort?

  3. Homeopathy doesn't work. It's ridiculous.


  4. You'll want to actually see a homeopathic doctor to find this out. There can be many factors contributing to a health issue and just dealing with one symptom is not going to do the trick.

    When you see a homeopathic doctor they interview you extensively for about 2 or 3 hours to find out your entire history, including your mental/emotional patterns, and personality make-up, as all of this contributes greatly to your health. The remedies they prescribe will work on various levels of your being - so just saying "this" or "that" remedy generally works for this condition will likely not be too accurate.

    I recommend you see a homeopathic doctor for a full work-up. See if there is a homepathic school near you that has a student clinic. This can cut down on the costs exponentially, and you'll still get top-notch care since all the cases are supervised by very experienced and knowledgable doctors.

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