
I am 47 years old & have had 3 nevous breakdowns. 2 of which I was hospitalized.?

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Someone told me that nervous breakdowns make you somewhat crazy each time. Is this true, and how so. I had the best Drs in private hospitals each time & I don't consider myself crazy. Unless I mention the nervous breakdowns no one would know. I currently take Cymbalta, Geodone, and Wellbutrin for my depression and bi-polar episodes. Again, unless I mention this to someone they would never know. I also have an underactive thyroid and take a fairly high dose of med for that because it can also have an effect on depression. All in all everthing is under control. You can't even tell I am on all these meds, but over the years I learned that they are absolutely necessary for me to funtion normally. Could some one please give me an answer to my question & if it is yes, please explain how you got your info. This bothers me.




  1. Hi, I'm not a healthcare professional but have personal experience of depression and have read in to the subject.  I'd just like to say that I don't think you should preoccupy yourself with such questions, as long as you are looking after yourself and generally feeling well what does it matter?

    Mental health is such a complicated and controversial area and words like crazy get banded around all too often.  What does it actually mean?  Everyone will have different viewpoints, and as harsh as it sounds I suppose any issue of mental ill health could be considered "crazy" because your predominant mind state at that time is not rational and balanced.  It is not helping you to live a healthy happy productive life.  We are all different and we all experience low points in our lives.  I know that when you're depressed you tend to think about being depressed a lot of the time, which can only make it worse.

    Eat well, sleep well, stay hydrated, try to focus your energies on exercise - that will definitely make you feel better - or other activities which you can really become engrossed in and enjoy, rather than asking yourself questions that really only you can answer.  What I mean is its irrelevant what other people think or say; its all about your personal experience.  As long as you're in a good phase try to keep it rolling by taking good general care of yourself.  Wish you all the best, hope this helps

  2. Who ever told you that a breakdown makes you crazy is an idiot.

    People who have breakdowns have had something go wrong in their life, and it just got to be to much for them. By being put in the hospital you were taken care of and had your meds straightened out and then released. It is just a place to keep you safe. I myself have been hospitalized three times and I'm not crazy. I'm also 46 years old.

    I find the stigma of the mental world is a little to much to handle at times. If you feel good, happy and are handling life nobody has the right to tell you your crazy. Just because your on meds does not mean your crazy.

    My problem is with the word "crazy". It is rude and unacceptable.

    Please don't worry to what ignorant people say.

    Take care and never give up!

  3. I guess during a Nervous Breakdown you could become irrational and not look at the complete situation overall. I don't think your crazy at all, you have stuff wrong you cannot control. You did what you had to do to get by, and did what was best for you by getting medication. It takes alot of courage to be at the point in which you are at today. It is not true that nervous breakdown makes you "crazy", it may make you act a little crazy or strange in others eyes but you are not crazy at all from the way it sounds. Just be yourself like i'm sure you are, and keep getting help when you need it. To me it sounds like you are doing fine, just try to lessen stress and do things you enjoy to prevent them in the future.  

  4. I would speak with your doctor about it to see if there is research that confirms this rumour, otherwise its just a rumour.

    I had to laugh a few weeks back as I sit behind this girl at my office who used to work in a doctors surgery and she was saying to me, "You would be surprised at the number of real head cases out there who need medication!"  I wonder what she would do if she found out that I was taking meds for my problem.

  5. You tell me two psychiatric diagnoses and one medical diagnosis, history of 2 hospitalizations due to 'nervous breakdown'. Now nervous breakdown is not a clinical term and does not tell me what caused you to decompensate and need inpatient care.

    You have psychiatric and physical illness, and you are medicated. Do you do any therapies? This could help you understand your self and your conditions better. Crazy is not a clinical term either.

    It is true that each episode of depression increases the likelihood of having another more severe depression. I learned this thru reading professional literature and my own experience sure does backup this idea.

    If your life activities are limited in any way by your illnesses you may have a disability.

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