
I am 49 years old and my mom still dresses me. is this normal?

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I am 49 years old and my mom still dresses me. is this normal?




  1. She isn't dead yet?

  2. No. No. No. No.

    And no.

  3. No, it's not normal

  4. You need to grow. You can't ask mom what is a life, s*x, how to do this and that...Learn your self.  Wake up and smell the coffee....

  5. wonder youre a nerd boy!

  6. sure......freak

  7. Does she physically dress you or does she pick out your clothes for you?  There is a difference there.  If she is physically dressing you and you're a normal guy without any disabilities that prevent you from dressing yourself, then NO it is not normal.  If she still picks out your clothes for can be polite and tell her that you'd like to pick out your own clothes and thank her for the help.  If you're living at home still, it's your life and you should live it the way you want to live it.  Your mother shouldn't be interfering with that.  Some mother are way over protective to their children when they are growing up...but in adulthood they should back off unless they are asked for advise.

  8. is this a joke??

  9. cool... i'm 31 and my mom still undresses me...

  10. No not at all. unless u cant dress urself

  11. um no youre not 4 or 9 youre 49!!!! start dressing yourself. she wont be there forever.

  12. no it is not normal unless you cant dress yourself my kids are 3 and 4 years old and they dress them self (well i help them pick out what to wear but they dress them self). besides you should have already moved out on your own. had a girlfriend live with you all that. or got married. good grief i hope you are joking.  

  13. NO.... why don't you move out? most people have a family of their own and dress themselves at age 49. that's how old my dad is...

  14. wow thats really really really wrong. you should sit down and tell her she needs to let go cuz your a big boy thats really not right honey so umm stop NOW because no girls want you if your mother dresses you im srry . is this a joke?  

  15. f*** no! wut world do u live in

  16. ummmm..... depends on how she's dressing you i guess

  17. if able to dress yourself then no because look at your age your an adult you shoulde be able to dress yourself she has too relizes that your not a child anymore  and you can do things like dressing yourself on your on

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