
I am 5'4 1/2 and i weigh 122 but i have a problem at my stomach area so how do i lose it?

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i dont want to run because it increases muscles and it will make my leg bigger and i want to know is there anyway i can lose it. Also i have lower my portions of my eating habits and it didnt seem to work at all. So please help me!!!!




  1. To lose a stomach bulge, you will need some type of intense cardio. If running makes your legs look bigger try dancing. While cleaning or what not just turn on some music.

  2. pilates will tone your middle you can get free videos on you tube

    good luck!

  3. same O_O run alot ?

  4. Do something that works your entire body. And eat a healthy diet like the "Seventeen new body new you challenge". Do dance, or swimming, swimming will tone your body and dance will make you work up a sweat faster. just depends on what you want  

  5. If you want to tone up your midsection that's great!  But, please don't think that your weight is too much for your height.  Also, running will NOT give you big bulky muscles.  In fact it will help you reduce your overall body fat (including your stomach).

  6. Crunches.... not full blown sit ups, it works best!

    Put your legs on chair and sit partially up (you will sooo see and feel a difference)

    Best of Luck!!

    Carrie =)

  7. I'm the same height but 110 eat healthy and exercise

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