
I am 5'4 and 125lbs (in need of advice)?

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Hi all! I just turned18 years old, I am a strict vegetarian (I nearly have a vegan diet), and am 5'4 and 125lbs. I'm not sure if this is relevant, but in case it is: my bone structure is petite, my chest size is 34C cup but my waist is fairly small. (in case it contributes to weight)

Um. I measured my BMI index and it says I am at a healthy weight, but I have gained weight in the past year I think, because I've been eating a little more than I used to and I haven't been exercising as much.

I've been feeling somewhat bigger than usual.. It makes me feel self conscious. I think being around 111 or so makes me feel more secure. I feel I will gain weight suddenly and be lost to it. I want to lose some weight, so I am wondering how to go about it.

I try to run 2 miles every second day, but I don't think this is enough. Should I try to eat smaller meals as well? I want to see a big change in my weight/appearance and feel more toned. What do I do to achieve this relatively quickly?




  1. Dont eat smaller meals, as if you instantly start eating less your body immediatly trys to produce mor body fat as it thinks it isnt gonna get much food. just diet i think you are at a very healthy wieght though!

  2. you sound perfectly fine actually and i don't think you should be losing any weight. you've already noticed taht your at a healthy bmi and your at a healthy weight... it sounds like you want to be skinny and underweight but you really shouldn't stress yourself to be.  your fine.   and the only real thing to do is to research calories and how many calories your body needs to maintain/lose/gain and work it out from there with how many calories you are eating and burning.

  3. It's not going to happen quickly.   At 5'4, 125 is actually perfect for your height but I would not go below 115.  If you want to get need to work your muscle groups.

  4. It sounds to me like you have a borderline eating disorder.  Try not to be obsessive about weight.  Eat healthy and get lots of physical activity.  That's all you can do.  I would watch if I were you though because these obsessive thoughts you are having could be the beginning of a big problem.

  5. At your age, I wouldn't cut down on the calories, but simply go out and do your cardio and perhaps some light weight lifting to tone yourself up a bit. When weight lifting do low weight with 12-15 reps for 3 sets.

  6. Add strength training to your workout regimen.  Cut out processed foods.  Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables and more whole grains.  Eliminate refined sugar.

  7. Your weight is totally perfect already, but if you want to get a good workout, try getting a really good exercise video. I highly recommend any video by Beach Body like Turbo Jam. As for the diet, just cut down on extra fatty things like candy and drinks high in calories or sugar. Turbo Jam comes with a diet plan for you if you buy it.

  8. Are you kidding me? Your weight is perfect for your height.  Don't worry about dieting.  Just exercise daily and make sure that you are eating healthy.

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