
I am 5 foot 11 inches and as skinny as a rail!?

by  |  earlier

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I need a good home workout plan or something to make me at least a bit bigger. Can i take a vitamin? I workout all the time but i dont go to the gym and lift but I play soccer and basketball and baseball. I run alot and I can do alot of real situps but get no definition. I dont really do any push ups because I am to lazy. Any thing to help me get some definition?




  1. hey listen to me keep playing soccer and keeep RUNNING it is the best for you at your age the weight will come on as you get older right now run and just work on your stamina it is so good for you at your age  

  2. You are certainly doing enough exercise so I wouldn't worry from that score.

    You are probably burning off more calories than you are eating. It might be an idea to focus more on diet to put into your body more calories than you are burning.

    You need also to look at the genetics of this - are your parents slim? If so, then you are likely to remain so yourself.

    Good luck. h

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