
I am 5 months pregnant and me and my boyfriend are always aruging ?

by  |  earlier

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Me and my boyfriend has been together for 4n1/2 years now and have one son together. When i was pregnant with our son things were great but now with this baby things have just went down hill for sure. He never wants to go out with my no more like we use to or he doesnt want me to go out with any of my friends just to go eat or shop like i use to he says I dont need to be with them. We both work and love to spend time with our son but as far as us spending time just me and him it doesnt happen.




  1. i think its very common after the kids come u dont do anything together no more  

  2. What is the question?

    Are you upset he doesn't spend time with you as much, or upset about arguing while you're pregnant?

    Men in general aren't big on having a kid, much less multiple kids.  Did he really want to have a 2nd one, or was that mainly your decision?  I have a strong feeling the answer to that question will give you the answer to the rest of your questions/problems.

  3. just sit down and have a NICE CALM talk together and then jst yooh no say we need to wat thats the best advice i can give!!!...good luck

  4. well you better make it work or get out of the relationship, for the kids sake anyways

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