
I am 54. Found a condom in husbands suitcase.What do I do?

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I am 54. Found a condom in husbands suitcase.What do I do?




  1. Ask him about it. I had a guy who came to work in a rage because someone put a pair of s**y ladies undies in his coat pocket as a joke. His wife was in tears. So I'd ask him about the condom.

  2. You need to confront him about it.  And tell him to tell you the truth, no lies.  Most women can tell if their husbands are lying, and if he is either you leave or kick him out.  I am so sorry about this.

  3. Go out and buy yourself something very very nice.

  4. oh jeez .

    uhm , i think you should sit him down and talk to him.

    you guys have probably been married a long time, & he should be able to tell you anything.

    so ask him about it,

    and if he doesnt confess about it,

    try different ways to get him to talk to you about it.

    i hope you find out if hes cheating on you ,

    hopefully hes not .

  5. Depends...was it new or used?

  6. PRAY!

  7. How old is your husband, and why is it not a good idea that he is protecting himself and you?  Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. What you do is thank him; talk to him saying what you feel.  Just DON'T BE ANGRY, (you're all grown up) be grateful you know and have the opportunity to discuss this with him.  I'm not condoning his action,   I'M....   B E I N G .....       R E A L. .... Thank the _ _ _ _ _ _! !

    PS---Feel bad for the women of husbands that don't use protection.

  8. No moron would buy a 3-pack (you're assuming at least one was used and they don't come in 2-packs) and leave the leftover in the suitcase.  

    Maybe your kid stashed it there?  Maybe someone's messing with him?

    Presumably he's travelling and you aren't.  Who'd he travel with?  That's who you need to be questioning.

  9. perhaps this question should be in a different category??

    A condom in his suitcase - he's had a little fun on his travels. Sorry.  You need to confront him.

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