
I am 58 years old. Am I too old(e) for this site? Are there ever questions about the 50's, 60's or even 70's?

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I swear there was a whole lot going on then!!




  1. You know what who cares how old you are you can be a homie anwsers all they questions and getting best anwsers why because you have tons of knowledge and experience! So get out there and start answering

  2. Everyone is on here. They even have a seniors section too but they don't bother with that, they prefer the fighting and blood in politics. enjoy

  3. Never to old,, I am 71 and on here everyday..and often get the best answers

  4. no not at all ,feel free to ask whatever question you like

  5. your not to old for this site, just no one cares about the '70s

  6. Here's one: "What time does dinner start at Shady Acres retirement center? because I like to eat dinner late, usually around 4:30pm."

  7. What's too old? i'm 57 and am here to answer questions for the young.

  8. if this site makes you feel young your not too old for it☺

  9. Yes there is.

  10. nah, we all different race and ages, it the answer,, make a page on yahoo 360 to , check out my page...alli

  11. there are questions about these eras.... there is also a senior citizen site..

  12. Nope, but just don't make a young pic of yourself it could decieve people. Welcome

  13. Go into the Senior Citizens section there are

    plenty of questions in there.

    Contributors are all ages but mostly over 40 to 95

  14. nah juss means u can answer ppls questions better cuz u been here longer.

  15. Spring chicken!

    If you're interested in specific topics, type them into the "search for questions" space.

  16. Alzheimer's.... that long ago, what was the question?????

    Im joking..... I remember, i think,    Woodstock.... ...what was the question?

  17. I am 59- I know where you are coming from!

  18. dont be silly! the older the wiser.. there's plenty of questions on here that people of that age bracket could answer!

  19. ure neva 2 old pal,join the club and ask anythin u like.............

  20. Fred...think of all the experience you have to offer..

  21. Sure. There are current events questions, politics, finance, home and garden, and men's health questions. I'm sure you could relate to at least a couple of those.

    Your experience in life could help out in a lot of areas.

  22. No.. youre not too old....WELCOME!!!

    Its good to have all opinions from all generations....besides we all have to get older...if we are that lucky!

    I bet you have alot of good advice, someone half your age might need help with.

  23. u could try the history dept...they might be a little less bitchy there too...

  24. I'm in my 50's as well and only visit here occasionally.  It's fun to check out the questions and answers, although alot of them are geared toward a younger crowd.

  25. Your insecurity amuses me. Everyone has questions no matter their age--no worries.

  26. lol, no you are not.

    granted there are a lot of, (in fact too many) "teeny boppers" on here , .with all the teen drama is way over dramatized here, ...but there are plenty of catergories that would be of interest to you.

    ...have fun and welcome....

  27. Hello Fred,

    You are never too old for asking or answering questions.

    Some wisdom is often required on here & like society, it is good to have a cross-section of ages.

    If you go into various categories I am sure you will find many interesting subjects.

    I am 60 & enjoy yahoo current events.

  28. If you are too old then so are we, we are 50 and 51.  Had fun answering all sorts of questions to all ages. We will think of some appropriate questions for you to feel at home! Have fun

  29. don't you have a job or grandkids to take care of?

  30. Thank you lord, for someone who checks their spelling and grammar...Welcome..

  31. yahoo is for all ages and in myschool there lots of questions about those times

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