
I am 6 years old . tell me how to use folk and knife in restarant ..... ..?

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I am 6 years old . tell me how to use folk and knife in restarant ..... ..?




  1. hey Nitya ...frst  wipe nicely ur knife and fork  or  spoon  and fork  always hold knife on  right (if ur righty) then pick the food  from  ur fork on left so easy  u dont  have to ask  ur mommy  ....and dad....and always keep  a  napkin  or cloth down  so u dont spoil ur  clothes and leave ur table say (Excuse  me) so that everyone  knows  u have  finished ur food.

  2. say tis..."mommy!!!!!!!!i donno how to use de fork an de spoon"....

  3. wow...i wish my 6 yr old could use the net n type this good. just use your fingers. i am really surprised that u can use the computer soo well, yet u dont know how to use silverware. both my kids have been using silverware since they were 2.

  4. You put the sharp side of the knife toward the food and hold the fork over the knife and secure it into the food to cut it and then just use the fork to eat the food.

  5. Hey when u can answer a question on heridatory baldness, u can always use a fork & knife easily. but any how u hve asked so let me give u an idea visit the following link which helps u to learn the how to use Fork & knife.... All the best ....

  6. Ask your mom.

  7. Have your parents check out this site:

  8. ask your Mommy and while your at it, ask her how to spell.

  9. put the fork in the stuff you want to cut, you hold it down with the fork and then slide the knife back and forth across what you want to cut, but since your so young ask a parent to help you so you dont hurt yourself ok?

  10. If you are truly 6, you wouldn't be asking such questions.

    You'd be asking "Why won't my mom let me eat chicken McNuggets for breakfast?"

    Or what's wrong with pop tarts for lunch?

    Most 6 year olds are more interested in eating with their hands.

    Give it up....  k?  You're really 21, and looking to get a date.  Right?

  11. If you are asking a question on the computer at 6 you should be able to Internet search and find out.

  12. you can't learn this  here.May be somebody knows about a sight.

  13. ah, put them down and use your hands! you might get hurt! they are sharp!

  14. you throw the knife in the air and try to catch it with your other hand.  Make sure it is really sharp.

  15. knife in right hand, fork in left. And if u r in a really fancy place with several types and u r eating a five course meals....start the courses with the cutlery closest to your plate and go on.

  16. Same as at home.

  17. Tell your mom to get online, i will explain it to her, so that she can explain it to you................

  18. Put the fork witch you say folk in the food,then the sharp part of the knife in the food and cut it open.Then you are ready to eat.

  19. hmmm thats not really funny...this must be a joke

    Get a life

  20. if u r really 6 first try to eat with ur hand properly

    once u eat with ur hand then u will find how to use folk and knife

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