
I am 6months having a baby and husband on the net all the time on dating web site etc.?

by Guest32810  |  earlier

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he said there nothing wrong in it .he knows it up set seem i not good for him. he makes me fillthat i am not wanted he knows this but still does it.he has cheated before and i forgive him by the way he turkish.i know that what the turkish men r like but he knows i wont put up with any of that what should i do




  1. I think he doesnt feel well beside u and he is trying to find someone else, and later leave you, sorry if i sound hard to u, when we r looking for someone else its when our couple doesnt fill us enough, its a bad thing for cause u r pregnant, just be strong and face the situation., cause its not nice what he does to u

  2. UUUUUHHHHH, you are putting up with it...everyday you stay with him, you are putting up with it.

  3. this guy sounds like a total creep but i think deep down you know that already. Get rid of him, LEAVE. There are nicer guys out there, you really dont needto put up with thiscrap.

    good luck x

  4. Talk to him, and let him know that there is a third person ( expected Baby) involved in it now , so you will not allow him to mess up your lives. After this, if you do catch him, pack him out of the house, he'll come back begging after a few days and then take him back, Yap, take him back. hopefully he wont do it again, and if he does, well u know what to do....JUST LEAVE HIM.

  5. You don't have to ask us what to do, dump the a$$hole.

  6. You do put up with it he keeps doing it.  So get out  he is trying to make you leave that's why he is doing it he knows it upsets you .

  7. I'm sorry you're going through this. This is not a good sign, your husband is not showing you any respect at all, actually he is acting disgusting. I know you're very sensitive and vulnerable right now, and I hope you have family to help you, but maybe it's better to tell him to either stop his behavior or to leave. So what if he's Turkish. He could be from Mars or the moon. He needs to treat you with respect especially that you are carrying his child. It doesn't sound like he wants to change his ways. You have some serious decisions to make.

  8. don't ask us ask your family friends and have a talk with your husband if he says the same thing DUMP HIM

  9. thanks for the two points.  You need a little help with grammar.  for some reason, you don't sound real, sorry,

  10. Honey you need to leave him pregnant or not. You don't want to bring a child into a home where the parents are not respecting each other. He cheats and always will, tell him its over and raise your beautiful baby yourself. I know its nice to have a mom and dad home with baby but its not necessary. I raised my first child alone and she is a brilliant happy girl with no issues from it. You need to do whats best for you and your unborn baby.

  11. You deserve much better. Get out of this relationship, and on top of not being happy, your pregnant! No you should not have to put up with that. You have to get the courage to just leave, thats all you have to do. You really shouldn't stay in a relationship that you doubt and he seems to as well. You also shouldn't have your baby growing up in an enviorment like that you will most likely be better off on your own.

    good luck

  12. i think u need to have a long hard think about this!! of course their is loads wrong with this especially now with baby its not right... do u really want to be treated like this all ur life cause if u let him away with it this time hes only gonna keep doing it and thats def not fair on u or the baby?? personally i would get rid!! he may be turkish but hes living in the uk he should be living by our bloody rules!!


  14. OH for CHRIST SAKE!!!!!!!!  Get rid of him.!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  15.   Get rid of him.  I know it may mean giving up your meal ticket but, d**n!  Have some pride.

  16. tell him to choose you or the date line say he has to give up one and if he chooses the date line say good and i want to out by next week be a good mom and get a husband that will spend time with you and the baby the baby will need a dad and girl hes cheating  again

  17. ya, you ARE putting up with it.  make a choice, live with it or tell him see ya

  18. Are you mad for being with a man like that.

  19. you are foolish for having a child with this man, you can see he's up to it again and you ARE putting up with it!

  20. get rid and get a decent bloke / lady who will care  

  21. try to attract him about yourself ,dress well

    don't leave him for your baby anything to get him away from the net ..make him interested in you

    I guess you know how

  22. Did you say you wont put up with it?  I disagree.

  23. dont put up with it! tell him to stop it or its over. throw the computer out of the window.

  24. Leave him!

  25. Ask yourself man, not us..

    Get rid of me.. Get real now?

  26. You said he knows I won't put up with that (SO DON'T)!  

  27. Any married man on a dating website is NOT ok. No matter what country they come from it is never ok to look around for another woman. It won't do you or your baby any good to deal with stress. I won't tell you to leave him, that's your choice. Men do not usually respond well to ultimatums but in this case I'd say it's warrented. If he won't get off the dating sites try staying with your family or a friend for a couple days to let him see what life is like without you. Whatever you do don't put up with this behavior. It's either you or the internet...  

  28. Well it seems as though you're already putting up with it.

    Leave. He's still cheating.

  29. I'm in a very similar situation to you so understand how you feel. I found out my husband had cheated on me while i was pregnant with our second child, at the same time i also found out he was on dating websites and emailing other women, i chose to give him one more chance but he had to cut out all the emailing and unfaithfulness otherwise i'd kick him out, unfortunately i've found out he's been contacting other women again, i've just had our 3rd baby and he was doing this again while i was pregnant. i don't really know what to do about it, i dont want to be made a fool of anymore and i know i should ask him to leave but don't know why i haven't/can't.

    Unfortunately it would seem both our husbands are incapable of being faithful as, whether your husband wants to accept it or not, going on a dating website is being unfaithful, after all he has no need to, he's married. I wish I had some good advice for you but I don't know what i'm going to do about my own situation so would be a hypocrite to tell you to leave/kick him out- even though that would be the sensible thing to do.

    Hope you work something out, good luck.x

  30. He had his fun with you your his mother now get used to it.

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