
I am 7 weeks pregnant. Can I travel?

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we live in Mass and we have a family get-together in Connecticut. It is only 2 to 21/2 hours drive from my house. Is it ok for me to travel or should I avoid? This is my first pregnancy and I am concerned.




  1. yes

  2. That would be no problem at all. You really only have to be careful with traveling in the third trimester.

  3. Yes.  You're safe to travel almost throughout your entire pregnancy.  When I was 6 months along, we took a road trip from WA to WI.  I'm 34 weeks and 3 days and my Dr. says she doesn't want me going anywhere further than 1/2 hour distance from my hospital right now.  Travel isn't a concern until later in pregnancy.  Just make sure you're not sitting too long.  Take frequent breaks at rest stops.

  4. yes you can travel, but if it was flying its best to wait till 2nd trimester  

  5. yup! i traveled up until i was about 32 weeks

  6. You are fine to travel. At only 7 weeks you can could go anywhere you want, as long as you aren't having any complications.

  7. Yes, you will be fine.  Only concern would be if the doctor has already diagnosed you as high risk.  Go buy the book "What to Expect when you're Expecting".  Was wonderful for me during pregnancy.

  8. it is safe to travel this early in pregnancy

  9. Yes its perfectly fine. Just keep hydrated and take regular stops to have a walk. This is mainly for your comfort.

    Its not recommended to fly until 12 weeks but driving is fine. Have a good trip.  

  10. yes, you can....but it isn't recommended, i would wait till she is 8 weeks old (2 months), but if you believe in yourself i would do it. But you should ask your doctor!

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