
I am 7wks pregnant and have NO desire for s*x - my poor boyfriend is going crazy...Is this normal?

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I am 7wks pregnant and have NO desire for s*x - my poor boyfriend is going crazy...Is this normal?




  1. my boy friend thinks this is great becouse i am a s*x maniac being 9 weeks pregnant.. i am glad it is not the other way around for me

  2. Its normal. I was opposite then you tho, I wanted it ALL day everyday. Hahaha!

  3. Hun I'm 29wks prego and my husband is lucky he's even gotten it once since I've been pregnant. Some women want it more while pregnant and others don't want it at all. blame it on the hormones

  4. omgosh the same thing happened to me. it's probably because the body is still changing, and all the hormones are going up and down. your s*x drive will change now, i'm almost five months an all I want is s*x. hehe. good luck.

  5. yes. my boyfriend was very crazyy too because i had no desire. im 22weeks and still have no desire.

    good luck and congrats

  6. It is totally normal. I didnt have any desire for it either until about the second trimester.  He needs to try and be understanding of the situation and give you sometime.  

  7. Yep, just give it time.  Between hormones going out of control, having sore b***s, and morning sickness, you may not be interested for awhile.  Some women go their whole pregnancy not interested (especially once the belly starts growing) but most of us start feeling "normal" by the second trimester.  Some even are more interested than normal!

    Explain the situation to your boyfriend, and be sure to remind him that you love him.  Most guys are pretty understanding about it when they realize what you're going through.

  8. Its normal. Some women have no desire for s*x while pregnant and others cannot get enough. If you are both acceptable of it, try helping him pleasure himself until you feel like having s*x again. Who knows it may get ya in the mood too ;) Good luck.

  9. Yup, normal. Although i'm the opposite of you. I wish I felt the way you do because i'm pretty much in the same position as your boyfriend right now. :[

  10. yes very normal so women get real H***** you know what around 4 mos till about 7 cause then you just want the baby out. But if i can say think of your hubby feelings too it wont be fair to ask him to give that up for 9mos. so try oral for now and maybe try to do it 1 a week if it doesnt hurt then you should try to do it sometimes now it might hurt later on then you should stop. good luck congrauds and think of hubby  

  11. Yeah its normal, with my first pregnancy I was like a s*x maniac, with this one, I don't want it AT ALL!  

  12. yeah of course its normal, your prolly some what still overwhelmed and got lots of thinks on your mind, including that your body is changing for the baby, it shall pass tho give it some time

  13. I'm pretty sure it is normal.. Everyone's bodies are different. I'm the opposite though.. I can't stop thinking about it let alone doing it! I want it all the time that I can be eating dinner and just want to get up and act apon my thoughts.. I don't care where!

    I'm sure you will get back into it once this passes.. The first four weeks I was pregnant I didn't want it at all.. I was thinking maybe in the back of my head I felt guilty to have s*x.. I wasn't sure.. I still am not sure what held me back but I'm glad I'm back to normal.. I hear in the second and third trimester I am going to be even more turned on... God knows what will happen then...  

  14. Oh yes - absolutely - some people find their s*x drive increases in the second trimester.  (sadly for my partner mine hasn't)

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