
I am 8 days past ovulation when should i test?

by  |  earlier

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I know the usualy time you can test is 10 dpo.

I ovulated on august 9th. And had s*x on the 8th. On the 12th i started having some mild cramping similar to period cramps. I've been having them since off and on. (which was very similar with my first pregnancy)

With my second pregnancy i tested one week before my period was due. Which was 9dpo and i got a positive(using a clear blue digital test), and i didnt test first thing in the morning.

So my question would be, how probable is it that I'd get an accurate test result if i tested tomorrow morning? And what test would you recomend using?




  1. Oh sweetie, that's a 'how long is a piece of string' question :-)

    The best thing - if you really can't wait - is to do the test anyway. You know you want to!!!.  That way, if you get a BFN it doesn't mean you're not preggers, just that the hormone isn't strong enough yet.

    I'm 8dpo myself and it feels different this month.  Normally after ovulation I get queasy, bloated, crampy and feel really heavy and sluggish but this month I've had none of that apart from some mild bloating and some minor queasiness.  But the weirdest thing is that I've been getting a weird pinching, fizzing feeling to the right side of my ovaries and I feel really light.

    Anyway, back to the test.  I think first response can give you an answer five days before your period is due, however it's something like 56% accuracy that early.  But that's still 56% chance you might get your BFP!!  Go on, do the test and let us know how you get on.

    Fingers crossed and lots of baby dust to youxx

  2. You can test now if you want but it if you get a negative it's a waste of a test because you are too early past ovulation. I'd be patient at wait until 10 or 11. Good luck.

  3. You can pregnancy test 7 days after a missed period for the most accuracy in testing. Here are some pregnancy signs you can watch for while you are waiting. You can also look for pink or brown spotting which is also a pregnancy sign. Make sure you mark down the first day of your last period as your health team will need this information. Best wishes, G

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