
I am 9 am i old enough to be to babysit in the daytime or near night?

by  |  earlier

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i will be with my mom and my 10 year old sister which will be 11 and i will be 10 in decmber




  1. Nope, you must wait until you are twelve.

    You are not babysitting when you are nine, you are babysat.

  2. night-time cause babies are usually loud and the like to make lots of noise during daytime but at night the are the opposite quiet!!! [just my opinion]

  3. No.

    YOU, my dear, NEED the babysitter!

  4. 9 IS NOT OLD ENOUGH TO STAY HOME ALONE LEGALLY. i started when i was almost 12, and 12 is the LEGAL age. PLEASE do not do that at 9, EVEN with a 10 year old, it is NOT safe.

  5. My dear, You are still too young. You need a babysitter still. When you turn 12 or 13 Years old... then you are ready. If you are wanting to babysit when you reach that age... start learning how to care for children and you will be a pro when its time.

    You should be having fun right now, because babysitting can be a tough job.

  6. Sorry hun. You are way to young. Even with your mom and older sister there, I would want your mother to be the one babysitting, not you. I don't believe in having a baby sitter younger than 15.  So there is no way I would let a 9 year old child (who shouldn't be alone anyways) babysit any of my children.

  7. i'd wait a few years.

    you're not even at the legal age limit to be by yourself!

    and you're under the age for Y!A too.

    if you're mom is with you, then since you are still at the age where you are baby sat, she'd really be the one baby sitting; not you.

    if it's just you and your sister, then no. 10 is still too young!

  8. If you're mum is there then it should be alright.  I mean, we all need to start one time or another!  But give it a few years before you babysit on your own.

  9. if your mother is there yes, but by yourself no.

  10. The legal limit to babysit is 13, unless this has changed then I would just wait... But if an adult is going to be there too, why do u need to babysit at all?

    I use to babysit a 3 and 6 yr old at age 13, (5 months to 14) -- I would only babysit for the girl that lived on the first floor from me, and they would go out for only a few hours, from 5-12 pm, at midnight I would go back upstairs. My mom didnt mind cuz she knew where to find me. And if I needed any help she was there to help me out, if I needed it... but the kids were in bed at 8, so it was cool.... :)  good luck sweetie

  11. at 9 i was still having to go to a babysitter!

    why do you want to grow up so fast...enjoy your youth while you can

  12. You're not allowed to be on this site for another 4 years. And you can't babysit.

  13. are not really old enough to stay home alone but thats your parents cant babysit tho at 9 that is unsafe for u and the kid you are babysitting enless u bring someone over 12 years old or you can babysit the kid if the kids parent are just sleeping or want a break or need to to yare or house work you need someone older that 12 thoi kno your delema b/c when i was nine i wanted to babysit so i  babysat for my aunty but she was just outside doing work so i was allowed to/...sorry.................i just read you other info yes you can babysit if your mom is with you....but if she were to leave you could not

  14. yes, you can babysit my pet rock. I'll bring her over around 8 pm is  that okay? Hubby and i want some alone time ;-) lol

  15. if the baby you were watching started choking what would you do?

    can you change a diaper?

    what if the baby started screaming?

    can you give a baby a bath? feed one?

    If you can do these things only do this for the daytime but start off with people you know. build some confidence and a good rep.  I wouldn't even think of letting you do this at night until you had your driver's license.


  17. no u need a babysitter rather then u being one

  18. no, ur not! ur not old enough to be on here and the legal age for babysitting is 12 not 9!!!!!!!!

  19. your not even old enough to be on yahoo answers. read the guidelines please.


  21. You are not old enough to be on yahoo answers...not old enough to babysit...and definitely need a babysitter yourself.  You should still be playing with baby dolls!

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