
I am 9 weeks pregnant and the last two times i went to work i have passed out while working is this normal?

by  |  earlier

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On Sunday i went to work i work at walmart as a cashier and i was up front checking and i just passed out then on tuesday i went back to work was there for no more than 10 min was checking someone out in the back and almost passed out again luckily my manager was right there and helped me sit down then he took me to the back they told me i need to go see a DR well i cant go see one till i get my medical card well i wont get that till the first of the month does anyone have any ideas why i keep passing out???




  1. I passed out a lot. But that was because I am aneimic. I would have your iron checked! I started taking iron supplements and I was all better!

  2. I had the same problem- I was dehydrated- make sure you're drinking enough gatorade or water to keep hydrated... are you feeling dizzy at all? I would get really dizzy and then pass out. But I would suggest at least calling the doctor and asking them if they had any idea what you could do to help it until you get your medical card-- or call the urgent care center in the local hospital...good luck

  3. You can go to the dr even if you don't have a card.  The insurrance usually back dates whatever you have had for 3 months prior.  You should check with your provider.  Medicaid does for sure.  I do know that.

    God Bless

  4. probably standing up so long but something isn't right. see a doctor or go to the emergency meeting. remember there's another life on the line.

    hope it gets better :)

  5. yes and no go to the er the hospital can refile ins later.....i had a pt who passed out and we thought it was normal but it turned out she was dehydrated and not eating well, so they kept her to feed her and rehydrated go to a  doc off or clinic or er asap

  6. to this website!!!!

  7. Dizziness is an early pregnancy symptom. I would stay off of your feet as much as possible and drink plenty of fluids. Maybe you can get a stool to sit on while working.  

  8. No its not normal please contact your doctor ASAP

  9. i had da same thing.i was fillin out my w-4 for a new job and all of a sudden i just felt cold inside.i felt my face get pale and i just put my head down and the manager asked if i had a question and i just asked her if i was pale and she had a scared look on her face and she also sat me down.i think its because we need more freguent breaks.i would also like to kno if its normal.

    good luck

  10. I get dizzy a lot being pregnant. Its a common problem. Have your iron levels checked. You can also go to planned parenthood they can help.  

  11. During this stage of pregnancy low blood pressure is common I had it too I could barely stand up at all for nearly 4 weeks. You should go for a check up with your dr though as it could be dangerously low in which case you could need treatment. Dehydration is another factor that can cause dizziness and fainting so make sure you are drinking LOTS of water. There could be other causes also which aren't so nice and normal so I really do urge you to seek medical help one way or another

  12. go to the dr  

  13. if it happens again, check your blood pressure, then your blood sugar.  one of these may be low.  i always had low blood pressure at the beginning of pregnancy.  the only thing you can do is try not to stand up too fast and sit down if you feel dizzy.  you really should mention this to a doctor, though.  if you are getting a state medical card, like medicaid, a doctor can still see you and the insurance will go back 3 months as long as it was pregnancy-related, so go ahead and see an ob.

  14. From my experience I'd say it not exactly normal.

    Could be a low blood pressure problem, but just guessing.

    If you are still going to try working before seeing Dr., try sitting on a stool at least part time or whenever you feel weak.

    You might also try drinking a cup of coconut water at the beginning of your work shift. It's a natural electrolyte which may help keep you on your feet.

  15. My mom told me the other day when she was pregnant with my sister she passed out all the time. But she said when she would eat and drink something it would help it out, alot.

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