
I am 9 weeks pregnant and thinking about certain things is making me sick!?

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My husband is obsessed with BBQ and every time I see him eating it I get so sick to my stomach I cannot even think about eating my dinner. Also the other day he was eating onions and the same thing happened! If anyone even says onion around me I get VERY quesy. What is wrong with me? How do I make these crazy food thoughts go away. If I even think about eating certain foods I will loose my appetite ALL DAY! Is this normal? Thanks Ladies in advance for your help :)




  1. That happened to me I would even throw up If i thought about things that grossed me out, things that I had loved. It sucks. Yes its normal I ate salteens and water for weeks I HATED EVERYTHING until I was 4 months.

    Be strong and pray! Its hard but WORTH IT


  2. What you are experiencing is not unusual.  It will or at least should ease up as your pregnancy progresses.  

  3. Sorry chica, this is just one of the wonderful side effects of pregnancy! The only advise i can give you is to maybe make a list of things that are off limits to talk about, or eat in front of you and hope that the ppl around you are understanding  enough to oblige!!! After your 3rd month most morning sickness passes so try to hang in there!!

    If you loose your appetite, think about your baby! He/she needs you to get enough calories a day in order to grow and be healthy, hopefully that thought will make your stomach subside and you can enjoy a nice meal! :) Good luck, this too shall pass

  4. That is perfectly normal.  I have the same aversion to BBQ as you do and my boyfriend LOVES it.... and I cannot stand garlic AT ALL.  

    You'll find that through your pregnancy some of your food aversions will go away or at least lighten up.  But there may be some that stick with you through the whole thing.  I'm 21 weeks and I still get very nauseous thinking of certain foods.  You just have to keep your mind off of it, don't smell it, and make your husband eat his BBQ somewhere else where you won't have to see or smell it.

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