
I am AWOL/DESERTER from army please read and answer if you can?

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I am sorry to bother you but I have gone to far with this over my head. I left the army right out of Basic Training. I never made it to my unit Fort Cambell. I had a terrible Gambling addiction and wanted to become a professional poker player. That never happenned and I still gamble and it's going nowhere. I want to take this step and turn myself in. I have been gone for 3 years. When I left they overpaid me and put a lien on my tax return I paid them when I filed my taxes one year. Since I left I have been pulled over by police for traffic tickets 3 times. I have even went to jail and had to go to court for a disorderly conduct charge. Other than that I have been a good citizen holding a job for 3 years. I just feel like a complete loser and that I will never get on with life being what I am. I called the AWOL apprehension line in October of 2007 and wanted to turn myself in. When I told the man on the phone all my information he put me in som global network and it came back I was seperated from the army in 2004. I didnt understand because I was never seperated or discharged. I think I am still a deserter I don't know what to do? Please help if you can.




  1. NOTE: this is a spammer he had asked the same question 5 times and send messages to your email.

    Report him now.

  2. The other answers are right. It sounds to me as though what you may be saying is that you wish you'd never deserted, and that you'd like to be in the army again.

    You could try turning up at a recruitment office and trying to sign up. See what they say. If they say No, we don't want you back because we've no confidence in you, ask if you could join the TA. If in the end, nobody will take you, get your head down and keep doing the job you're doing as well as you can.

  3. K. Dude. Enough is enough. You have posted this question 7 times already. Read some of the answers you got and give it a rest.

  4. You are a COWARD.

  5. Like you have been told over and over again:

    You were booted out on an 'entry level separation' because the military felt that you were not worth a second chance.

    You were discharged and the forms were mailed to your last known address.

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