
I am AWOL/Deserter from Army please read and help if you can?

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I am sorry to bother you but I have gone to far with this over my head. I left the army right out of Basic Training. I never made it to my unit Fort Cambell. I had a terrible Gambling addiction and wanted to become a professional poker player. That never happenned and I still gamble and it's going nowhere. I want to take this step and turn myself in. I have been gone for 3 years. When I left they overpaid me and put a lien on my tax return I paid them when I filed my taxes one year. Since I left I have been pulled over by police for traffic tickets 3 times. I have even went to jail and had to go to court for a disorderly conduct charge. Other than that I have been a good citizen holding a job for 3 years. I just feel like a complete loser and that I will never get on with life being what I am. I called the AWOL apprehension line in October of 2007 and wanted to turn myself in. When I told the man on the phone all my information he put me in som global network and it came back I was seperated from the army in 2004. I didnt understand because I was never seperated or discharged. I think I am still a deserter I don't know what to do? Please help if you can.




  1. Sounds like a serious problem. You need to get it corrected. You should contact the nearest Army base, in person, and turn yourself in to the MPS, explaining to them your circumstances. Show them your last orders and whatever military records you have. Also, I would pack a suitcase. You may be there for a while.

  2. When you origininally decided you were going into the Army, did you put a post online, or did you go to the source?

    I'm guessing you talked to at least one recruiter. Any recruiting office can tell you your status.

    You know what you need to do... rather you know what you are GOING to do, already. Whatever that is, don't try and get justification for it here.

    I suppose it may be a good thing that you never made it to basic, because it sounds like you weren't ready, anyway. Having served in both the Army National Guard and the United States Marine Corps, your situation would have only been worse, had you made it through either boot camp and continued on the pattern you seem to be pursuing.

    I do hope you can get on a better course, though.


  3. Instead of letting the feeling of despair and guilt, ruin you further, admit your problem. Face it, learn it and get help. See the websites below. If the first one describes you to a 'T', print it out, read it carefully, then call Gambler's Anonymous. I've also included their website. You need to regain control of your life first and foremost and STOP the slide and gambling. AVOID casinos or any gambling halls AT ALL COSTS. Once you're "clean", if you feel the need to turn yourself in (and you should), do it and explain your problems. If you're involved with GA, your sponsor can even help you with that too. Start NOW & TODAY! Do not delay.

  4. Go to an actual recruiter office and have them investigate the situation through official channels. If you have been discharged, ask where you get a copy of your DD214 form. Be prepared, though, to be detained and sent away, if worse comes to worse. However, the office may not have the capability to do that. Good luck. Go to GA if you must to get over your addiction. The only way to gamble big time is to have a sponsor who believes in you and will let you use their money to win. But this is such an elite group it is harder than becoming a pro football quarterback.

  5. This is the best place to get an answer.

    Somehow it does not sound believable but good luck.


    NOTE: this is a spammer he had asked the same question 5 times and send messages to your email.

    Report him now.

  6. If you really want to turn yourself in, drive to the nearest base and surrender yourself to the MPs and explain your story - if they tell you the same thing the AWOL line did, go on your merry way and don't worry about the Army looking for you anymore, and get help with your gambling problem.

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