
I am American, my boyfriend is Canadian. What are my options for moving to Ontario and working there?

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We lived together for 6 months in the US, and by the time I can move we will have been living apart for 6 months. I have a BA from an American university and also have relatives in Canada. I do not have a job lined up yet and do not know what the situation will be by the time I can move. When I move I need to be able to work legally. I have looked into sponsorship but I'm not sure if we qualify as common law or conjugal partners, and since he is a student he wouldn't meet the sponsor income qualifications. What are my options for visas? Any help would be greatly appreciated - all in the name of love! Thanks!




  1. Do an online search for TN visa and see if your degree will qualify you for that. Otherwise marry the lad.

  2. In the name of "Love", just go. Be happy. Don't forget to dress warmly.

  3. you have 2 options:

    1) Since you have relatives in Canada, they can sponsor you provided that you are under 22.

    2) You can sponsor yourself under the Skilled worker category.  Since you have a college degree and presumably some work experience, you should have no trouble getting in.

  4. u can get a green card or wat ever it is.. and put ur name in for canadian citizen .

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