
I am American and I don't like it all that much?

by  |  earlier

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I don't mean to bring the negatives but it bothers me how lazy the people are around me are and how careless they can be... Alot of people do not like it either but is there anyone out there who does like America?




  1. Having lived in and traveled to many other countries I can say that I do love being an American simply because of the fact that me being industrious has elevated my position in life while my lazy friends are down in the dumps. That is not the case in most of the world. Example: my friend is an engineer in Paris and makes the equivalent of 60 grand a year. The janitor makes only slightly less then that.

  2. I was  not born here, but  am a citizen now. I have been able to travel to several countries, and am grateful to call this Nation home. When I came to America no one bent over backwards to learn my language, I had to learn english in order to survive. Today all these people come from other countries and expect us to learn their language. If you are going to live here, learn english. But to your question, yes there are a lot of lazy people here, but they lead nowhere lives. They refuse to take responsible for themselves and expect the world handed to them. I don't even pity them because they do it to themselves.

  3. How unusual,an american with good taste.It is a sad fact that there are not many out here who do like americans and the ones that do,tend to be americans.I am sorry,it is not my intention to be mean to you but,there is a limit to my patience with arrogance and ignorance.I am not,for one second,saying that you are,from your question,you seem to be very nice and if more of your countrymen were like you,there would be no problems.It is very good to be proud of ones country and it's achievements but,it must be the truth and stated with a certain degree of modesty.Come over to visit us sometime,we are friendly to nice people.

    Edit.........Your first person to answer seems confused with american and English

  4. Join the crowd.  I do not care for the American way of life and would much rather live in some place more closely connected to my heritage, like Italy.  America simply has a completely different society from anywhere else.

    We learn to take basic possessions and privileges for granted, while people in other countries consider them luxuries.

    We witness lazy people sit on their butts all day, receiving welfare for doing nothing, while the inhabitants of poorer countries work together in a communal society just to scrounge enough food for one meal a day.

    And you're right about the languages--most high schools require students to take a foreign language, but how much will we actually remember when we're out in the real world?  In countries like Germany, France, and Italy, children learn several languages at a very early age and are fluent by the time they reach high school.  I feel that's simply an ethnocentric America coming to the front.

    Still, other countries have their flaws as well (though maybe not as pronounced as America's) and we might see that if we lived somewhere besides this land.  As long as you can live in this country and avoid embodying the traits you despise, you've already won most of the battle.  Stay positive!

  5. So get the ***** out. America is your home and my home and should love it. All we should speak is english i shouldn't have to learn spanish i'm american not and live in AMerica so i'm going to speak only american

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