
I am BIG truoble!!!?

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i just dropped my phone on the creek near my house i have it drying well i am trying to at least how am i gonna tell my parents it is a strawberry chocolate my plan is not up till january what do i do!!!




  1. take the battery out asap and put your phone in dry rice. The rice will absorb any of the water thats in it. If it doesnt work after that you need to take it in and see if they will fix it. But most places wont because they know it was dropped in water as soon as the sticker on the inside turns red.

  2. I Put Mine on top of the air conditioner and I turned it over every 30 minuets... And It started working.

  3. Break open your piggy bank and offer to pay for a new phone.

  4. I have that, too! (I wish I could drop mine. XD)

    Say something like, "Mom, Dad, I just want to let you know that I accidently dropped my phone in the creek, I think it's fine. Can you help me make sure?"

  5. hey.

    dont worry about it.

    i did that

    and the mistake i made was trying to turn it on.

    i heard that if you DONT TRY TO TURN IT ON (that fuses out the battery and fone)

    and just let it dry out for like a week.

    good luck

  6. Chances are after it dries out it may be OK! I left mine out in a terrible rainstorm and when it dried out it was fine! Wait till it dries, if it don't work just tell them "somethings wrong with my phone,it won't work" don't tell them you did it!

  7. So were the problem?

    i cant understand ...

  8. Why the heck was your phone near a creek anyway? Advice: phones shouldn't be near creeks.

    Just tell your parents, and offer to an amount of chores to pay for a new one. Then try to work something out with Verizon (I'm guessing you have Verizon, because you have a Chocolate) to shorten your plan.

  9. Ive washed my Katana twice it worked for awhile.

    until i fell and bisted the screen.

    Just tell them.

    your phone should be fine.

  10. If you have insurance on it you should be all set either way...

  11. hey hey, if it's not completely destroyed, i want you take your phone and set it inside the oven

    for like 1-3 minutes and keep an eye on it, same thing happened to me and i put mine in the oven and it worked after i got it out

  12. Let it dry completely out and see if it works. If it doesn't, you just have to tell your parents, or just go without. I hope you have insurance on the phone.

  13. I like your name. He is sooooooo cute. Oh the question, just tell them you might NOT get into any trouble at all for doing that.

  14. a few weeks ago i left mi fone outside duringg a rain storm. [{by accident}] Anyways i took out the battery and left the fone and the battery outside IN THE SUN or by the window to dry! after a few hrs, i wiped down the battery and where the battery goes with a paper towel then turned on mi fone and charged it and it was as good as new! If that doesnt work, do u have any old cell fone's around ur house?

  15. dont turn it on at all, it will short the circuits, then let it dry completely, no water in it anywere, then you should try, wait a few days

  16. let it dry

    then try it

    id it so dont work then

    then u need a new 1

  17. Pull out the battery and put the rest of it in a warm sunny window. The front dashboard of a car is best. Tomorrow replace the battery and see if it works. If not remove the battery and repeat the window. Best of luck.

  18. The chocolate phones suck! I used to have the Mint Chocolate but then a month later I got the enV instead.

    What you do is you get a hair dryer and put it on med-high and blow dry the phone for 30 minutes. Then set up a mini-fan and let it blow the battery for a few days. In the mean time, try to clean/dry the cell phone as much as possible. Don't try to put the battery back in and turn on the cell phone for a few days or it may short circuit.

    Another method (this actually works!) is to put the cell phone in the oven at 125 degrees (no hotter or the plastic will melt) for four or five hours. This is a quick method but it must be done within a few hours of the cell phone being dropped in water.

    Good Luck (:


  19. surely your parents go insurance on it. if so, it will only cost about $50 buck to replace. Just dont lie to the insurance co, tell them what happened cuz you can get into bigger trouble for lying

  20. That happened me... only in the toilet lol :P, mine was only 1 week old :S and it was damaged for life.

    Vacuum out the water. Make sure your sim and battery are out. Put the phone and the battery into the hotpress for a few days to help dry it out.

    WARNING: Do NOT use a hairdryer (My mistake), it pushes the water in further and damages it more.

    Good luck x*x

  21. There's something called damp-rid you can get at Wal-Mart, put it in a bag of that.

    If you don't like your expensive phone, maybe you should pay for the next one.

  22. i had to throw it on the street n tell them that it was an accident to make them buy me a new one they did but it was with my money..sad..

  23. the rice is about the only thing you can do right now. after a day of it in rice, try the phone. if your plan is up in january, a new phone shouldn't be as expensive. i know with verizon, you get a little bit of a discount after having the phone for 1 year.
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