
I am DREADING school & I hate a lot of people in my classes:( Please help?

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This year Im going into my junior year for high school. I kinda have a lot of people I really dislike & vice versa. I don't have friends in my classes. How can I get through this year with all the snickering & glaring & not having a partner in classes, stupid things like that?




  1. omg im the same way!!! i was for the past 2 years too! just dont let it get to you and you should be fine. if sumone makes you mad, tell them to suck it cuz you really shouldnt care anyway =]

  2. ive gone through my classes being alone, its not that hard. when people glare or laugh at your give them the soviet death glare. your can practice in a mirror, its really effective. read books to pass the time.

  3. you shouldnt dislike anybody life is to short i made up with all my enemys, but i doubt you will do that, so see if you can change your classes and explain to the principle how you feel uncomfortable, if that doesnt help just be nice to everbody an get along with tem ignoring them wont help especially when you need partners im telling you if you just be maure and talk to them it will be funnier and easier for you! goodluck

  4. It's okay to have first day jitters. You should try this method.

    -- Method Uno --

    Befriend a shy girl and then not only will you have someone who will be your friend,you'll also make that persons year (or however long you're that persons friend). The snickering and glaring are always going to be a part of your life and so long as you acknowledge that its always going to hang around. If you choose to ignore it then the people who bully are just going to leave you alone.

    -- Method Dos! --

    In this method i say you befriend no one. This might seem scary but think about the positives.

    a. You wont have to hear a whiny friend all year.

    b. You know those notes people pass to you during class? Yeah, well they're in the long run going to interfere with the things you could have been learning had you chose not to talk about the cute guy sitting in the back of the class. Don't deny you don't do that! ^-^

    I hope I've helped in anyway possible.

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