
I am Deathly in need of Help.. please..

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you guys.. i did something about a year ago.. not really anything 'bad' just that my parents donnot approve of. anyways, just all of the sudden its bothering me.. im having nightmares.. and i talk in my sleep so i am sooo scared that im gonna say it out loud.. i deleted my myspace just because there was evidence.. it is constantly what i am thinking about.. this whole situation did come to my parents attention about 6 months ago.. and i lied.. and my mother believed me.. and took my side.. i felt terrible.. but it didnt really phase me then.. now just all of the sudden it is actully getting to me.. after a year.. please how can i just forget about this whole thing??? its ruining my life.. i cannot sleep.. i cannot just sit there.. bc that is what i am constantly thinking about.. please.. help.. and going and telling my parents is not an opption.. they would be so ashamed.. i just cant.




  1. come clean about whatever "IT" is . it will make you feel better , trust me ! you may be a little bit scared about telling your parents at first but , there your parents and they might get angry or dissaprove but they love you and will understand whatever "IT" is . just tell them .

  2. all i can tell you is to forget about it. Confess to GOD and maybe you'll feel better. or you can just tell your parents.

  3. i had the same problem me and my friend created a whorespace and i told mom that i only added 1 name and my friend did the rest. Well about 2 months later i couldn't sleep or eat and i couldn't even stand looking at my mom because i knew she didn't know the whole story one night at 12 am i woke up and got sick because i was feeling so bad and i finally told mom that i did a lot more than i said i did. I got grounded for a little while but i was so happy and relieved that i told the truth. email me what you did i'm interested in knowing lol

  4. Have you ever heard of the saying, "The truth will set you free"?  Well honey, it will.  You don't say what it is that you did, but if you think for one minute that you will forget about won't!  It will consume every minute of every day because after one's still so fresh in your mind.  Just know one thing...IT will come out some day and until it does, you will never get past it.  Take your lumps for whatever it was and move forward.  Your parents will love you regardless of what you did...parents don't put condition on love.  They may get upset with you or make your life miserable for a short time, but you will have a lighter heart and will be able to enjoy your sleep again!  Best of Luck to you.

  5. The only advice that I can really give is to just try your best to leave your own past alone. I'm not asking you to try and block it out, as it seems that u cant seem to let it go. But i advise that u come to peace with whatever you did and realize that their is nothing in this world that we can do to change the past, and whats done is done. We try so hard in our lives to relive our past or anticipate the future that we forget to live in the present.

    I hope that I helped at all.

  6. well....whatever it is you will have to learn to live with it OR come clean and you might be pleasantly surprised who parents can forgive.  I know that I would always be there for my daughter thick and thin, so give your parents more credit OR you will as I said learn to live with whatever you did and right now sounds like you are having a terrible time.

  7. take sleeping pills 2 sleep at night

  8. honey~

    Can't help you if you dont tell us the problems~

  9. with you asking for help - well that is the first step in the right direction. It shows you have remorse for what you did and it sounds like it too - since it bothers you so much. I would like you to do is tell yourself "I did something wrong and I am ashame of it (first you must admit to that)" "I WILL NEVER do anything like that again. and remember the biggest thing - everyone makes mistakes!!! that is how we learn about life. if you need more help contact me and I'll be glad to help you further.

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