
I am Designer how can I win a bid on Elance and Guru?

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Hello I am freelance designer but I cannot seem to win a single bid on elance and guru website.Can some professional graphic designer here help me with giving few tip of how to compete with those monster freelancers and big giants companies to beat their bid and win some projects.Thanks alot.




  1. Bid least , send a nice private message , show the customer some work which you have already done similar to what the customer is asking , you can also register at freelance websites like , , ,etc and start bidding for all web designing projects posted there .

  2. I worked as a freelancer programmer for a year, winning bids on several on-line sites.

    Here're my suggestions:

    Prepare a professional looking profile of yourself. Use short lines and to the point (don't be too verbose). Use terms from your profession and those that your intended audience will understand.

    Make your first bids cheap (but not ridiculously so), to build your clientele: once they know your value, they'll come back (but they wouldn't like too big a jump in pricing).

    Always be polite and honest. Don't promise more then you can deliver.

    Before embarking on a project, prepare a document stating in as much detail as (politely) possible, when are the clients expectations (e.g., what to deliver, timetable, payment's form and conditions) - and get the client's agreement to the final version of this document - in writing (e-mail is enough).

    Good luck.

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