
I am Dyslexia but i dunno wat it means and how doi get help with it ??

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i just dunno wat it is wat is it ???




  1. Dyslexics usually have trouble reading or understand maths but it can vary in forms.  If you have been diagnosed with dyselxia then it should have been explained to you.  There are methods or 'tool's dyslexics use to help them with learning, but being dyslexic doesn'tmean you are disadvantaged or stupid. Alot of famous people have it too.

  2. Dyslexia  is allot of thing ...I have  so I understand what you are going though. There are many symptoms . You my see words that aren't there when you are reading or you may move the letters and words around in you head so that  the page reads the way you mind wants it to. When you are writing you may think you are writing one thing but your not... sometimes I write something then go back to read it and can't understand a thing I wrote!

    sometimes even though you KNOW your right from your left you may not remember when your driving. For that matter you may just have a very hard time remembering things at all.

    as to there to get help.. the best place to start is with your teachers..if you are in school that is..besides that I don't know I had some help in school but never really got the help I should have. I hope you do and good luck I really mean that

  3. dylsexics, untie!!!

  4. Dyslexia is a learning disability. You need to see a doctor who can help you find a specialist, and you can get therapy to help you. Lots of people are dyslexic and have overcome it or are living with it, like Keira Knightly, Orlando Bloom, Magic Johnson, Cher and even Walt Disney had it.

  5. See your school counselor

  6. If you're looking for information go here:

    I'm dyslexic as well. It just takes work.

  7. It means that you process information differently to the average brain.  You may read words differently to how they are as your brain mixes up the letters..You will probably struggle with reading, when you write something u can sometimes make an anagram of the word u are supposed to be writing.  It has nothing to do with true intelligence as most ignorant people would say, most dsylexics have a higher than normal level of intelligence, but others don't understand this.  You will have to work harder than everyone else, which shows how clever you really are.

    You might get opposites mixed up too, of course there are different levels, some have it worse than others... You have all the information in your brain, but you find it difficult to send 'out' that information to make others understand.

    Having dyslexia myself i know how hard you have to work, when tired i make mistakes, i can virtually write backwards as easy as i can forwards...

    I've got a daughter who's dyslexic (it usually runs in familys), i used to be able to dephicer her maths, sim to a secret code that no one else could understand.

  8. Dyslexia is a confusing term because it doesn’t refer to a specific condition but rather any combination of a larger collections of symptoms that can effect learning.  

    A great book on the subject for anyone that has or thinks they may have dyslexa is The Gift of Dyslexia by Ronald D Davis.

  9. dyslexia is derived from greek meaning an impairment in the ability to read. if you want to know more about it, Samuel Orton is a well known contributor to dyslexia research.

    it is often characterized by great difficulty in reading or inability to read AFTER being exposed to numerous reading instructional programs. It does not have to do with being a bad or slow reader- that just means you have read more.

    people with dyslexia have very bad word attack skills (initial consonant sounds, blends, final consonant sounds, letter sounds etc.) and just can't sound out words correctly. but if you can look at the letter B and know it makes the sound "buh" or the letter D and know it makes the sound "duh" then you probably just have poor reading skills.

  10. See a specialist~

  11. my son was dyslexic, it all according what age you are, if you are still at school, it is a matter of getting assessed properly, then you can get extra help at school, dyslexia, means you dont see words like everyone else does, eye to brain co-ordination is different, like you will probably write a b back to front etc, there are different ways of teaching people with dyslexia. If you are an adult then there is still help out there that you can get, it probably means evening classes, but it would be worth it in the end, good luck


  13. it is when you can't read correctly and you get words mix up in your head when you read

  14. hdind bskidbg ljhbdfr, jidabv avd bsv ok?

  15. Dyslexia is a medical term for being unable to read for various reasons. It is not very specific. Usually it means that you have a learning disability. These included difficulty with processing what you read, difficulty with short or long terms visual memory, difficulty maintaining attention to written words, difficulty picking words out in a paragraph and difficulty with visual motor integration.

    I suggest you put the term specific learning disability into a search engine. You may find your symptoms and be able to use some of the suggestions for how to accommodate the specific disability.

  16. Go to special classes that help you cope with your dyslexia.

  17. Dyslexia  is a malfuntion in the brains synthesis and interpretation of sensory information.What it means for you is that you have limited ability in reading and writing. You may see things and write them, and they come out backwards. You can get treatment, these days, so hope you get some.Good Luck!

  18. It means that you'll read words or numbers from right to left instead of left to right. ie. You'll see 87 when it's really 78.

  19. It's when you see letters and words backwards, which makes it harder for you to read. A lot of times you outgrow it. If not, you need to speak to a doctor that can suggest some places you can go to get help correcting it.

  20. you cant BE Dyslexia. You have Dyslexia. Meaning you are Dyslexic.

    And how do you know you have it if you don't even know what it is?

  21. Search google and look it up on

  22. Dyslexia comes from two Greek words, dis (bad) lexia (words) meaning you dont get the meaning of words from the way they are laid out.  This is nothing to do with your intelligence, it rather implies that some fo the wiring in your brain misfires and connections which most people have to translate letter combinations into words doesnt work.  It can be fixed in that there are measures to help those who are dyslexic, but there are also varying degrees of dyslexia - get a specialist, check he/she knows and always remember that it is like eyesight - not your fault

  23. It's often described as a disability, but really it's a versatile way of thinking.

    Some of the most famous creative people have been dyslexic, because it makes creative thinking easier. Unfortunately, it also makes 'fixed' mental skills more difficult.

    Reading is a 'fixed' mental skill. Your eyes need to follow the words carefully along a line, and each letter has been given a specific meaning, which doesn't change.

    Everybody knows that an 'M' is like a 'W' upside-down. Some people with dyslexia have to keep reminding themselves which one is which. You might not have a problem with those, because everybody's version of the condition is slightly different.

    For more information, and sources of help, try:

    This is a national organisation, there are also local groups and associations, which you can find through this one.

  24. There are different types of dyslexia. I have a daughter with mild spatial dyslexia and she sees shapes differently than the rest of us do.

    Dyslexics my see letters in a different order making it hard to read; or their brain may turn objects around so that something that's level appears to be at an angle. It definitely will affect how you learn, and you need to find out exactly how your particular form of the disease affects your own perception. You may need extra practice to learn certain things d you may be entitled to extra time for taking tests in school.

    I assume that since you're aware of it, your parents and your school teachers and counselors are already aware of it and are doing everything they can to help you overcome any limitations. Don't be shy and don't hesitate to let your teachers know if you're having trouble understanding something. That's what they're there for!

    Good luck.

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