I am EXTREMELY FRUSTRATED w/ the inability of anyone to first figure out, then solve the following: Why when streaming a live/real-time visual or audio broadcast, the audio will randomly go silent; this happens intermittently, there's no pattern. Each time it happens, on the bottom row of opened programs, a temporary strip will pop up and temporarily read: "communicating" then numbers will appear as in a meter counting down seconds, however, in this case it always counts "upward", and each time it reaches "100" the audio will return, and the "communicating" strip will simultaneoulsly disappear until the audio intermittently goes out yet again, and the whole process repeats. This is extremely frustrating because each time it happens, again randomly, I of course lose some of the content of what ever I'm watching or listening to. PLEASE, PLEASE could someone please finally quickly help figure out and solve this problem once and for all.Your assistance w/ this utterly frustrating and persistent problem is GREATLY APPRECIATED!!Thank you, C. Renee Richardsoncrr1211@sbcglobal.net