
I am EXTREMLY concerned about my best friend.?

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So she made a different Y!A account and tried to hide it from me, but i found it. She doesnt know it though.

Here's what she asked-

I randomly get a text saying "GO USA" for the Olympics of course. Anyways I didn't recognize the number but it had the same area digits as me. So I asked who is this. We talked. He got one of his friends numbers wrong. So we decided it would be harmless to just text. So we texted for a couple hours. He talks like a normal teen would, misspells. I knew his full name so I searched him on facebook.. though I didnt know if he had one or not. So I found him and he goes to the school he said we goes to and he has 387 friends from the same school. So I added him. We've become really close in the last couple days. I know hes not a predator. He has pictures. Pictures of him and friends. His friends in the picture comment saying "My hair is messed up" their are comments that say school is starting soon and stuff from his school friends. Would it be a bad idea to meet? IF I did Id bring a friend and go to a very public place. Hes 15.. and im 13. But im 100% POSITIVE that hes NOT dangerous. AT ALL. We wouldnt meet for a couple more weeks.


none of that matters though, right? he COULD be a predator! she wont listen to me, and whenever i talk to her about it she gets mad at me and ignores me. She has a crush on him. I need help!!




  1. I would ask your parents it's very dangerous meeting someone you don't know.

  2. You worry too much. No predator would go through so much trouble, and this whole internet predator thing is exaggerated. If you're really THAT worried, make sure they meet in a public place, arrange transport to and from the place, stay nearby and bring a gun with you (or a cellphone if you don't have a gun).

  3. Frame the guy

  4. honey, if he's 15 im pretty sure he cant do much to you, remember he is just a child just like you. just go for it and see what happens

  5. Your right, he could be a predator, no doubt about it. I know this may hurt your friend but in the long run, it will make her thank you. So you just need to sit down with her and be like "Hey, so were really good friends and I don't know what I would do without you. How do you know for sure this guy isn't a predator? You DON'T! This guy could have fake pictures of himself as a younger guy. I mean you never ever meant each other. You need to do me a favor and please stop talking to this guy, it's really dangerous. I'm only trying to be a good friend here, and I don't want you to get hurt or anything like that." This is what I would tell my friends if they were in a situation like this. If she is a good friend she will not get mad at you, and she will stop talking to this guy. If she does happen to get mad at you what so ever, then to bad she is NOT a good friend, and you can do better. Good Luck!

    answer mine please:;...

  6. you need to try and get her to stop. if she doesnt listen and maybe even talk to her and talk to your parents and tell hers. it may be a good idea for u her parents and your parents to get together and talk about it. i am so glad that u r smart enough to see the danger in this. unfortunately your friend sees no harm. U need to tell an adult. there r weird people out there just looking for ways to harm people. i am sure she will be angry with you for telling her parents, but you are doing it for her own good. maybe she could even work it out so that she can meet him with an adult. that way if he is a syco there will be someone to protect her but she will get to meet him if he is real. idk if that is even a good i dea. this makes me really sad for u and your friend. you NEED to talk to an adult about this. you dont have to but u could email me at if all works out.u may think i am a syco too. i'm not but u dnt have to email me. GOOD LUCK.... i will pray for you guys.

  7. If he goes to the same school that you guys do, then why can't they meet at like lunch at school?  There are teachers around and he can't do anything with all the kids around him either.  Or else, go in a big group with her to meet this guy.  fyi pictures don't prove much when it comes to the internet.  I'd be cautious about this, but he does sound decent.  

  8. Suggest a double date, or that you go with her the first time she meets him. I've gone on a few blind dates, and I always understood if the girl wanted to bring a friend.

    If she doesn't want to listen, let go. It's up to her. Worry about your own things.

  9. tell her that its really easy to make you seem real on facebook/myspace

    use this example

    me and my friend used to make fake accounts to mess with people (only for harmless fun though we would never meet people we would just mess with our friends that didn't know about it )

    we would make about 5 or 6 other accounts and comment our selves to make it seem more real then we would tell them to go places and never show up haha .

    we would get pictures with other people and make it absolutly impossible to tell the differance

    NEVER EVER meet up with anybody on myspace/facebook because its really easy to pretend to be somebody else


  10. we have a similar problem with one of our EX friends she wants to meet someone alone in a public place... if you think it is a problem talk to an adult you trust veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy much!!!!!

  11. You were right to ask this question.

    Strangely, a lot of people begin relationships on the computer first.

    In this case.... she's only 13.  

    This is just my opinion, but, I think you need to find a way to tell her parents about it.  They do not need to meet anywhere, if they are going to meet at all, it needs to be at her house with her parents present.

    The fact that he's told her he is 15 and in school and has pics on a website, means absolutely nothing at all.  Pedophiles use these types of methods all the time to lure in an unsuspecting person.

    At 13, she is probably a stubborn girl.  I've guessed that, mainly because you said she's hiding it from you (her best friend).  In which case makes this all the more dangerous for her.

    The best way to handle this is to go to an adult...  Maybe teller her parents yourself, and have them find evidence of it so they can confront her on their own rather than mentioning your name.  Tell them to check the texts on her phone.  Or maybe tell one of your parents, and they can tell her parents.

    Anyway it happens, it would be better to lose her friendship, than to lose her life!

    Good luck with this!

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