
I am From Middlesbrough, should i move to the west of scotland?

by Guest56039  |  earlier

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I am from middlesbrough and i have problems with debt and drugs here and ive decided to move to scotland in the greater glasgow area, ive also been warned about the crime rates and knife crime in the strathclyde region, can anyone give me usefull comments, thanks




  1. Move to Glasgow.

    Find yourself a flat or house.

    Find yourself a job.

    Stay off the drugs.

    Pay off the debt.

    Try to enjoy life.

    I live just outside Glasgow.

  2. Kinning Park, Govan, Ibrox, Parkhead, Easterhouse, Castlemilk, and the city centre are really the areas to avoid.

    Just remember that you shouldn't go out at night unless:

    1. your with your friends,

    2. you know where your going and how to get there without going through dark alleyways

    3. always have money tucked away safely (not in your wallet) for a taxi

  3. Sadly it is no Shangrila in Glasgow . Would have thought a rural solution was more sensible .

  4. useful comments eh?  Don't bother coming north jimmy we got enough  druggies up here as it is

  5. Well, as far as escaping from drugs is concerned, all of Scotlands cities have as many problems as any other city - including middlesbrough. Where you might benefit is that you wont know any dealers when you move up there so perhaps that will help you (same would be true wherever you move to)

    As for debt problems - moving is expensive and unless you are moving for a job or have an improved income then perhaps financially better to stay where you are, cut your spending and pay the debts back - banks etc will help you if you struggle (better to get money back than not in their eyes you see)

  6. I live in the Strathclyde area, and yes, like any city, Glasgow has crime and yobs, but i've grew up here, and I wouldn't move. I think, providing you don't fall back into drugs and find yourself a stable job, you'll be fine.  

  7. This reminds me of the old story of a newcomer asking "What are people like in this town?" The answer was "How did you find them in your last place? You'll find them much the same here".

    It's the same with life - it won't automatically change because you live somewhere else, but if you really want to change it, I am sure you can, wherever you live.

  8. There is three and a half times more violent crime in Glasgow than in the whole of England and Wales including the highly populated Greater London Area. If you intend to visit pubs and socialise in the evenings as you would do in England you will be a target simply because of your English accent. If you go to work, use the library and stay at home in the evenings you may be OK.

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