
I am Getting a tatoo of a frog climbing up my leg and need some help with the wording.?

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My father died a year ago and I am going to put 1940-2007 up one side of the frog but am lost on what to put on the other side. I was going to put" Until we meet again" But the tatoo is smaller and that will not fit. My Dad loved frogs and would love this tatoo so I want to make it special. Any ideas?




  1. maybe just stick with just the frog.

    if it's something special between him and you why share it with the world in writing bigger than the frog. then when people ask why you have a frog you can share your story.

    you could also go with two frogs one little one and one big one representing you and him!!

    good luck <3

  2. maybe just the word dad

  3. Well you could just put Dad or Daddy.  Or Father.  I love you always. It all depends on you.

  4. You could us the anagram "UWMA" instead of the whole words, or you could have his name or the word dad.

    Another thing you could have is something that meant something to both you and him.  Like, if you had a personal little joke with him, a pet name you had, or anything really.  In the end I suppose it should matter more that you know what it means, than that the world will understand from looking at it.

    And, sometimes having a slightly asymmetric pattern is very pleasing to the eye and you might not need something on the other side.

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