
I am J-2 visa, would like to attend com. college. will i be considered resident (tuition purpose) after 1 year

by  |  earlier

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I am with J-2 visa staying in California since 14 months. I would like to attend community college. Will i be considered california resident (for tuition purpose) after 1 year stay. Thanks.




  1. No.  Your tuition will not go down no matter how long you live here as long as you are on a student visa.   Being a resident doesn't just mean you live in that state.

  2. I don't believe so. I think you need to have at least a Green Card, or if you are under 25, I think your parent's would have to live in the community and have at least a Green Card. US colleges do not discount tuition for non-American's. If I went to your country, do you think they would give me a discount to go to college / university? I would highly doubt it.

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