
I am LOCKED OUT of windows, HELP

by  |  earlier

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I have SOMEHOW locked myself out of my computer and have no idea what to do. I cant get past the "login/password" screen. I don't recall ever making a login/ password so what do I do!!!!! I bought computer (windows 2000 office) for the programs on it and it works GREAT! never had a problem till one day, I turned it on and POOF! There is a little box that says I need to LOG into WINDOWS.

Is there ANYWAY I can FIX this? Please,HELP ME.




  1. Reboot that computer into safe mode with networking, see link below, when prompted, login as administrator, leave password field blank and just hit enter on keyboard. If successful, go to user accounts in control panel and either change or reset password for your account. IF.....that does not'll have to log  into a DOS prompt...the aforementioned safe mode menu also has an option for safe mode with command prompt. You can change any password there.

  2. Well first try just typing in your user name leave the password field blank and try logging on. If that doesn't work Try booting up your computer in safe mode. This means you need to restart your computer and press F8 repeatably as it boots up until a screen comes up with options. Chose safe mode. When the logon box pop's up enter Administrator in the login and leave the password blank. If it lets you in then go to Start>Control Panel>User Accounts and remove the password off your account. If this doesn't work then your going to have to have some know how about computers to do the workaround

  3. try to press OK without typing anything..Good luck friend..

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