
I am SICK and tired of the Hillary bashing! Aren't you?

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For the past several months, I keep hearing and reading bashing on Hillary Clinton. For God's sake, just because she's a strong woman doesn't mean people (and other women!!) should rag on her. Read her political format and forget who she's married to, okay? She really does have a great platform to help our country.

Bhutto was a strong, smart woman and had many, many followers until her horrible demise...most likely due to some insecure jerk by the way.

I don't see ANYWHERE near as much bashing on Obama as I do with Hillary. It's GOT TO STOP.

Don't you agree?




  1. I agree, I think she is pretty qualified to do a good job in the white house.

    Yes, I said "a good job"!!   We don't need a "stupid" leader.  We need someone who can do a job, a job that Americans hire someone to do by election.

    Hilter and Stalin were all strong leaders and see what they did.  America don't need a strong leader, just someone who can do a good job and select the right cabinet members to run the country!

  2. No I don't agree. I think the phrase "strong woman" is an oxymoron, just like the phrase "madam president" is also an oxymoron. You? You're just a moron.

  3. Time Traveler...good response. I'm not bashing ANY political figures at all! That's exactly my point...just what you's very "8Th grade-like" and immature. I would never vote for McCain but you would never see me dissing him anywhere.

    The bashing of all the candidates should stop. Absolutely agree.  Thanks for your response. :0))'re awesome girl!

  4. NOT AT ALL! I too have read her web site and listened to her campaign stuff. Much of what she has on her site is exaggerated and shifts askew of the truth. In the years she has been in and around Washington I would expect more out of her. She too often has supported big business at the expense of those she claims she is now supporting; she voted for the bankruptcy bill that has devastated thousands of low income and middle class people. People who have worked with her and know her work history have walked away from her. She has not been able to get support from senatorial Democrats or republicans. She tries hard to appear strong but she looses her temper to easy and would rather argue than debate.

  5. You that's bashing? I'l show ya some bashing!

  6. Jeez, get over it people. I don't care that she is a woman. I think she is a socialist. It has nothing to do with her being a "strong woman."

    By the way, Obama is a socialist too.

  7. I don't agree, because it's not bashing if it's true.  Most of what I read is true.  This evil woman will get her peace and probably her divorce too, once she steps down and out of our lives.  That's when it will stop, maybe !

    If New York plans on keeping the Jr. senator who hasn't earned a dime of her senatorial paycheck, than that's their problem.  If I recall, she declared that she would stay on the job, when she ran for senator of New York.  If this is true, there's another promise you can credit her with not keeping !

  8. I actually see Hilary bashing as a good thing. It will make people think of how imature the other side is. She has to not come down to his level, but just be positive and what she plans to do!! People will get tired of hearing him say,if I don't get in, then everyone who voted for me will vote for McCain. wha,wha,wha. I think it is other way around!! If she loses, I will vote for McCain.

  9. She is an AMERICAN HERO!!! Stop the hating!!! IT HAS GOT TO STOP!!!!

    If elected she will give shrill women everywhere the right to post incredibly stupid Yahoo Answers questions!!!

    Get her and her banana yellow pantsuit in the white house ASAP!!!!

  10. well Obama supports bash Hilliary and republican

    Hilliary supporters bash Obama fans and republicans.

    Republicans will bash which ever Dem is nominated.

    this is call politics...

    there will always be segments of supports who feel compelled to call names and be hostile..

    they are called 'crazy'.

  11. quit being a feminist freak women are not any better than men and certain animals(j/k) but come on hilary has proven time and time again that she is a lying decieving feminist who doesnt appreciate human life in the least bit!! she lies and uses trickery to get her way, and also she is for partial birth abortion which is killing a baby shortly before it is suppose to be born!! Now tell me what is so great about this evil woman. Get out of that crazy liberal left wing mood of yours and make some sense. Oh and obama isnt any better than her, but I would rather him be president cause he is just not as crazy as her.

  12. Yes, There is an equal amount of Obama bashing and all of it needs to stop. The DNC members need to respect the right  of each person to support whomever they feel is best.

    Regardless of who is the nominee, we need to stand behind them and vote for them knowing that either will be better than letting a Republican have another four years to bankrupt the country morally and fiscally.

  13. I will tell you honestly the problem that I am having with Hillary and I can't speak for anyone else of course.  Hillary is strong woman however it is not necessary to down talk Obama constantly to show how strong you are.  That is why so many people who formerly were supportive of her including myself have said enough is enough.  I have nothing negative to bash Hillary about I just don't like her Obama rantings and therefore have chosen to no longer support her.  It reminds me of the analogy of downing someone else in an attempt to lift yourself up.  She should stick to her format and we will love her for her.  Don't keep making Obama your focal point it is silly and childish.

  14. No, I find Hillary jokes quite funny. If by "bashing", you mean exposing Hillary for what she is, and what she will do to this country if elected, I hope everyone hears the truth about that.

  15. Ever consider that it isn't her s*x but her ideas that make her so widely despised?

  16. No, I think she'd be a pretty awful president.  Her mortgage plan to fix interest rates on mortgages for the struggling is just terrible.  Did she take Econ 101?  If you fix int. rates for those people, the banks will have to hike up the int rates for the rest of us to offset the losses.  The result will be less investment and consumption in the economy.

    HC is just terrible.

  17. YEAH!!!  Why can't you all go back to endless Bush-bashing???

  18. Actually I'm tired of all the bashing and that includes bashing Bush, Reagan, Obama, and Hillary. It is so 8th grade to do it. Whatever happened to civility and respect. So in response, I have stopped bashing all politicians and hope you can do the same.

  19. From one Hillary to another - I can't stand her. She is as hard as nails yet turned on the tears and the "little me" when she was losing.

    Anyone who stayed with that dirty old man just for power - which she did - does not deserve anything.

    Mind you, the USA has terrible candidates to choose from - just like we have in the UK.

    Still , you can't get much worse than Bush I suppose.

  20. Your kidding right ?

    The amount of made up c**p on here about Obama outweighs anything said about Hillary Clinton. If you haven't seen it you must have selective vision.

  21. hillary is a socialist/commie that would try to turn this country into another cuba.obama is the mc cain !

  22. Yes. The new subject could be what Middle Eastern scientists think about Global Warming and if any would be in The White House, National News,and the like to bring pressure to bear on the issue. There could even be questions in the damage The Military does to The Environment this would be of more import. Fair Trade, end to poverty through Socialistic help could be of more import. End to Venezuala bashing as well.

  23. I do agree. Unfortunately, it really doesn't surprise me though. In this world, any time a woman isn't afraid to express her ideas, be strong, stand up for herself and and refuse to down play her intelligence she is branded as a cold blooded *****. It makes me sad as well as angry. I personally chose to support Obama at my local caucus but I like and respect Hillary. I'm sick of people sending me lame and insulting Hillary jokes and claiming she's the anti-christ. To all the Hillary haters: pull your heads out of your asses and stop letting yourself be brainwashed!

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