
I am SICK of people dissing clinton without being able to back it up?

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tell me your problem, i respect it and would be interested to know.




  1. I'd give you chapter and verse but who has that much time?

  2. My problems have to do with things that aren't actually Hillary's fault but that Hillary brings with her.  I would call it her "baggage."

    Because the far right detests her so much (why, I don't know), they are salivating to run against her.  Richard Mellon Scaife, the guy who spent many millions trying to destroy Bill and get him impeached, is dying to do the same to Hillary.  Therefore, she would be distracted and not be able to accomplish the solutions our country desperately needs.

    Also, I just don't want to go through four more years of the politics of personal destruction, and we both know that's what we would be subjected to if another Clinton gets into office.

    Lastly, I still don't buy her explanations for the Iraq vote, the vote on Sen. Levin's amendment and the Iran vote.

  3. Rose law firm - Shredding legal docs.

    Her own mouth - "We can't always be honest..."

    And #1 - her voting record a matter of public record. (need a link?)

    That backed up enough?

  4. - Sandy Berger as a campaign advisor.

    - Positions follow the latest polls... I'd rather see a leader, not a follower.

    - Stating that questioning $1000 campaign donations from people on a dishwasher's salary is racism.

    - Equates being married with job experience.

    - Claims in one breath to be an agent for change, then in the next to be a decades-long insider.

  5. The woman is fake

  6. You need to look at what happen in AK. Governers and what Happen in the Clinton white house. scandal after scanal and liars to back them up .sorry I've been there befor and will not go there again

  7. she is g*y and a libral simplae as that.

  8. anything that can be said of Clinton can also be said of the others all have things that would make headlines once found, look at the one that did not vote for the war check his voting records to see where he really stands, the same goes for the ones on the republican side of things check out McCain and see if you want someone that wants to sell out the USA in the name of being a hero to mexico so they all have skeletons not just clinton

  9. Don't worry Clinton will be the next president. Why she wants the job is beyond me. Bush and the Republican party have really messed things up. She will straighten it out.

  10. If you're talking about Hillary, she has made her way into the position she has and where she is by the name Clinton.

  11. I am beginning that realize that there are a lot of high school kids and younger on this website, I caught my 9 year old neighbors kid and his buddy sending out Hillary hate mail on "'Answers," when I asked them about it they said the kids in school all hated "hitlary" but where unclear as to why!

    So it seems we have a very educated group here who we are discussing political issues sad!

  12. I think she's disingenuous and is running to further her own agenda as opposed to actually helping the country. I have problems with this claim of hers of having 35 years of experience.

    It appears to me that being a Senator from New York was only a device to further advance her presidential aspirations. I'd really like to hear or read about ANYTHING she has done for NY to improve the lives of New Yorkers. I believe that she ran for that Senate seat for two reasons:

    1) It was being vacated by Patrick Moynahan

    2) NY traditionally elects democrats.

    Had that seat not been vacated, she would have looked for another opportunity in another state.

    There's a start from me. I hope that's what you're looking for.

  13. The problem is that she is THE PROBLEM!

    She's weak and also a novelty act trying to get one of the biggest positions in this world. When it all goes wrong when she gets in, then you only have yourselves to blame and then put this question back on Yahoo Answers.

    You can't have a Commander & Chief who cries during a campain. It's unheard of and it's complete disrepect to the young troops who have to go through hardships out in these wars. They don't cry, they get on with their job and suck it in.

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