
I am SO FKN pissed at my teacher. What should I do?

by Guest34252  |  earlier

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Okay, I'm not sure how I should start, but here I go....

So I have a maths teacher. Until semester 2, I've always thought that he was a really nice teacher, and was one of my favourite teachers of all my high school life. (yr 9 currently) He was the type of teacher who makes jokes during classes, talks to students about life during maths, and we always had trust in him. I always got decent marks.

In semester 2, he suddenly changed--a lot. This entire semester, while he's teaching, he would suddenly say "but (my name) wont understand this because his mind is blank." ALL THIS SEMESTER I'VE BEEN PUTTING UP WITH THIS. I'm just embarrassed and make a red face, and say "wtf" quietly, but I never answeered back. My friends realise and tell me that he keeps insulting me for no reason, and i am getting extremely stressed. We have maths everyday, so I put up with his insults at least twice a day. Because of those insults, I lose concentration and stop listening to his teaching half way during the lesson just looking down at the table embarrased, so I basically failed most maths tests this semester.

Today... I couldn't handle it. He suddenly made an insult as usual, I just sat there and stopped working as usual. He told me to show him my book, it was blank so he started shouting at me why I didn't write anything. I said "because my mind is blank remember?" Then he started shouting at me "You wanna take my on? you wanna take me on?" (i think it was implying that he wanted to bash me up.) I said "no sir, i don't want to take you on. You'll bash me up" (he's really fat btw) Then he got really angry and told me to come and said hes going to watch my progress all semester. How can I put up with it he keeps distracting me from learning?




  1. Obviously the answer is that you shouldn't put up with it. My suggestion is to inform your parents and have them speak to the head teacher of maths or your teacher as this is clearly effecting your work. I think that if it were to come from your parents that it would come across better. If it comes to it, you may have to change classes, but I think it would be good to find out why the teacher's change in behaviour towards you.  

  2. Talk to the principal. If your maths is suffering because of him, he's not doing his job.

    That's really all you CAN do, unless you want to sit down and just talk to him about it. But that's on a much more personal level and is pretty risky in it's own right.

    Don't put up with it. You haven't done anything wrong. He's at fault.

  3. Dude!! Don't put up with it!! Ask if you can change class, talk to your parents or another teacher. It is not fair that you get picked on!! Ask others if something happened to him, or organise a private meeting with him and ask him to his face what the problem is. I hope it works. You shouldn't have to do that. Wait...semester two. Okay so its abit late to change, but talk to someone baout it, and him too. Good luck... :)

  4. Read this quote, and after you calm down a bit, go to the principal of your school and tell him what you have told us and see what he says.

    if you rant he will not listen, but if you approach him as a gentleman, he should treat you as a gentleman and listen.

    “And acceptance is the answer to all my problems today.  When I am disturbed, it is because I find some person, place, thing, or situation-some fact of my life-unacceptable to me, and I can find no serenity until I accept that person, place, thing, or situation as being exactly the way it is supposed to be at this moment.  Nothing, absolutely nothing happens in God’s world by mistake.  Unless I accept life completely on life’s terms, I cannot be happy.  I need to concentrate not so much on what needs to be changed in the world as on what needs to be changed in me and in my attitudes.”

    Please read it again, and again.  It will help if you want it.

    I must repeat: Read it several times and as it sinks in it has a magical effect on your thinking and your attitude.


    I found this quote in one of your other questions and it seems to me that you have some issues with your math teacher that seem to uphold his theory of your maths abilities?

    Perhaps my quote has some bearing after all, about changing your attitude.

    Sometimes the best work done is done to oneself.

    Your Quote:

    "The Maths exam is on: Pythagoras' Theorem, Trigonometry, Linear Graphs, Linear Equations and Probability. (I am ignorant of all topics as I either didn't listen to the teacher in class or forgot how to work it out.)"

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