
I am SO proud! Now help me:?

by  |  earlier

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So I only had one problem with my Mormon friends. Yep, you got it right. That they always tried to shove their religion down my throat. But yesterday, I hung out with one and she has begun to question her religion. I'm really proud of her. My question is, how do I support her in this without looking evil to her Mormon parents? She also might have to confront them at some point, so any help on how to do this?




  1. well give her a lot of evidence AGAINST mormonism.

    why should anyone argue with objective evidence? ;)

  2. well its sorta mean 2 hate a religion ((most importantly ur friends)) becuase friends are people who dont care who u are and where u came frm they just wanna be friends

    just let her figure it out on her own pressure from u could make her really confused on wat 2 do just let  it be unless she askes u 2 help

  3. Pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.

    You should feel proud that you have taken someone who considers you a friend, who is at their weakest point in life, and moved in for the kill. You are ready to destroy what little faith she has.

    Do you know that most Mormons who leave the LDS church end up as non-believers?  

  4. I grew up LDS... just let her be.  She will find her way.  Answer her questions with your thoughts, but one should never try to persuade, imho.  I am adamantly opposed to conversion tactics on any side of religious debate.

    We each find our own way in our own time when it comes to religion.

  5. tell her to keep asking questions

    1) did joseph smith really see jesus

    2) did he really find the searstones

    3)did angels really take it away from translation

    4) where is the evidence of huge empires built in north america?

  6. Why are these people your friends when you talk about them with such distaste?

    Wow they are lucky to have a friend like you.

    Let me guess, they are always shoving their religion down your throat because you never ever bring it up or talk to them about your religion.  Its always them, right?

    Look at you practically glowing and excited that your friend  is having doubts and looking at any opportunity to get her away from her church.

    Yeah I am sure you are always the poor victim of being harassed by the mormons about your beliefs and never the other way around.

    In my experience whenever someone feels like mormons are shoving beliefs down their throat its because the other side is doing exactly that, too.

    She has never once thought you were going to h**l for your beliefs, can you say the same?

  7. Encourage questioning, not blame. That works.

  8. Try the test I tried, I read the Book of mormon, the burning int he bosom, but then i tried the burningint he bosom for every guy I dated to find out which one was the right person and what do you know they were all Mr. Right and ths mad eme think th eburning was a trick of thwe mind, get her to wonder if a patriarticle blessing isn;t compared to a psychic reading, if the mormon garden of eden story doesn't encourage disobediance to God if you can find a good enough excuse to disobey God,

    But most of all just don;t put pressure on her, God will do that, if she is going to be saved, God will do it for her, and I did this all by myself, God just opened my eyes to the truth and showed me the stupidity of the mormon theology and I never went to the temple and if I had I would have run from the temple sreaming. What a handshake and a new name is going ot get me into heaven, you got to be kidding.

    My violent brother did it on his own and he is mental, he got saved. so just support her and try not to be too persuasive or the brainwashing and indoctrination and mind control will get her back intot he mormon church. And for God sakes don;t beat her over the head with a bible. hahahha.

  9. Well I'm glad you are proud. I'm not sure why, having objected to an attempted conversion performed on you, you now feel the need to repay the lack of social skills. In order to support anyone through anything you have to show them that you care about them without passing judgement, I'm not entirely convinced that is your forte. Best Wishes.  

  10. You seem unusually happy after obviously upsetting your "friend".

    Remind me never to befriend you.


  11. Have your friend contact Universal Pants. An ex-Mormon atheist's experience would be invaluable in this case. Who better?

    P.S. Make sure you get permission from Mr. Pants first.

  12. okay mormons are tough cookies to crack so just go like um well try tlk to ur parents but good luck

  13. so because they tried to convert you, you have to convert them?  

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