
I am Ten and a Half and I still have Have baby teeth

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OK my teeth have a problem. I have a little mouth and all my teeth are being mashed together and i still have baby teeth. But i have this one tooth that is being pushed to much. It's looks like it can't take much more of it because its going way to far back! Should i go and get braces? Also i am only Ten and a Half and still have baby teeth should i get my baby teeth pulled out too. And how many teeth am i supposed to have and ten and a half




  1. my ortho predicted that i wouldn't lose my last two baby teeth on my own until i was almost 16! i got them pulled when i was 12, and got braces when i was 13. Now i'm 14 and i'm glad i got my teeth pulled because i wouldnt have been able to get braces.

    if you need to get braces then ask your ortho about getting them pulled. in my case it was very beneficial to me, but you are only ten so you have time.  

  2. i am 11 and i got braces when i was 9 and i had to get 4 teeth pulled give your teeth another 5 months and then get them pulled

       good luck!!!!  :)

  3. its ok im 14 and i didnt loose mine till i was 12 and im going t get braces d 12th but u cant really tell if u need braces or not u have to wait till u fet all or sum grown up teeth in


    STILL LOOSE BABY TEETH. The dentist would have recommended

    braces if you need them. Getting teeth pulled ISN'T glamorous... &

    I would know. Neither are braces. Teeth go ALL THE WAY back in

    your mouth, when you get your adult teeth. Just RELAX, and wait..

    I didn't loose all my baby teeth till I was TWELVE. Okay, so just

    relax and don't try to be all mature and grown up... because your


  5. Calm it! You are whining and being obsessed! Dont sweat it! I am eleven and I still have baby teeth. Dont get them pulled get the one that is getting pushed back pulled. That is the one that has the problem!

  6. My niece just lost a tooth today and she is 10. She still has a few to lose. As for your mouth teeth being crooked has your parents taken you to a dentist?  A dentist is the one to best assess what you need. As your Mom and Dad to take you to a dentist.

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