
I am a 13 year old boy my IQ is 114, Is this average?

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I want to know thanks




  1. Any IQ that is not 100 is inherently not average.  114 is slightly above average.

  2. no ur stupid lmao

  3. I believe 110 is average...and your age has nothing to do with it. You've had an IQ of 114 since you were born.

  4. The Average IQ ranges from 85 to 115. You Are nearly above average. Good for you. To put your mind at ease i am happy to inform you that, yes your IQ will increase. Every year the average brain increase from 2 to 4 points until you reach adulthood. If you work your brain out by reading or doing math or whatever your points will increase at a larger rate. I think the biggest leap in IQ in one year was 9 whole points.

  5. No its above average

  6. 110 is average so yeah

  7. well the average is 100 no matter what age you are so ur just over mate!

    (how did you find that out id love to test mine)

  8. yer pretty smart.

  9. it depends on the system u used 2 determine your IQ. Anyways it is above average (the average is considered 100 for an average American).

    G.W.Bush has 83 for an exuse of an IQ, so you are very intelligent in camparison.

  10. No, you're a complete idiot.

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