
I am a 13 year old boy who lives in putney, london. school and i need a job for the summer job can anyone help

by  |  earlier

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it needs to be a temp job




  1. I suggest u get a paper route? You get a ton of money and it's not so bad in summer cos it's not totally freezing outside. It's quite hard 4 people of your age 2 get jobs, and this is the only one that comes 2 mind. However, if you look in shop windows then you might find someone looking 4 a job that isn't much work and will be wanting 2 employ someone like you. But look in any newsagents cos they're bound 2 want a paper boy. Hope this helped :)

  2. paper boy, do the sunday paper it pays more

    or start ur own local car cleaning service, i used ern my pocket money that way from my nabours, all u need is buckt / spunge / shampooo and ur away

    make some flyers, and try and do it profesionally,

    its a good start.

    good luck

  3. mobile media distributor......[paper boy]

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