
I am a 13 yr old boy that has been golfing for 2 yrs and takes lessons weekly. what should i shoot? averagly?

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i hit my drives 240-250 avg. i put it 310(downhill) but on good drives i put it 250-270. i play from the mens tees and shoot about a 97 avg. probably a 25-27 handicap. i dont know if i am good for my age, i golf 4-6 times a week but i live in PA so i can only golf during the summers, springs, and falls.




  1. for as much as you play i'd say you're a little behind par. but something like 90% of golfers can't break 100 so... keep it up.

  2. well ull get thr soon enough the way u mak it sound how much u practice

  3. This is perfectly normal for your age and experience. If not, maybe just like, 5 or 10 yards lower, which is perfectly fine. Don't push yourself, it leads to injury.

  4. I say your on a pretty good track.

    You hit pretty long for a 13 year old so if you can become better with your short game you will bring that score down into the 80's in no time!

    Good luck with the golf!

  5. If you can hit your drive that distance and score 95 you have issues somewhere else.

    Keep statistics when you play and record

    Drives in fairway - if miss left or right

    Green in regulation - club hit distance from hole left, right Missed greens - left, right or center - short or long

    Chip - results left, right and short or long

    putts - results left, right and short or long

    Its actually very easy to do and quite enlightening and after a few rounds you will see trends. Normally young boys are short a lot as you over estimate your length and plan exclusively for career shots

    You are leaving a boatload of shots on the course you need to determine where at and then work on that particular thing

  6. when my brother was 14 he was shooting in the 70's consistantly. (he now plays in college so i guess you could say he was better then average.)

    golf is a sport where you are ALWAYS improving and you can always get better so keep working hard and you will improve.

    and to answer your question 13 yr old boys average from the mens tees- i would say mid to low 80's. playing in tournaments and shooting 97's you would probably get cut.

  7. i don't no who is giving you lessons but find somebody else if your hitting the ball that far at your age and your shooting a 97 obviously you should be working on your short game when i was your age i didn't have the clubs that they do now and i was driving the ball like you and played just as often and hit close to 300 practice balls a day and was shooting 85 handicap of about 15 my advice put more effort into your short game you dint need to play 6 rounds of golf a week practice makes perfect

  8. It sounds like you're a great golfer for your age. It might help having lessons every two weeks to give you some more time to practice what you got taught in your lessons.

    Have a good one...

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