
I am a 14yr old babysitter and want to know how i can get more clients?

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I already babysit for one family occasionally but i want to earn more money but i think i might have been lucky to get this job where can i find other families to babysit for?




  1. You could try asking family members if they have friends that may need a sitter.  Or put a note up in a shop window advertising your babysitting services.  Just word it carefully and put down that you are experienced. Get your mam or dad to check it first.

    Good Luck

  2. My sister and I got a pile of new clients several years ago. That summer, she had volunteered at a pre-school for a few weeks in the summer, and gotten to know some of the parents. Even several years later, some of those families, and friends of theirs, call us regularly for babysitting.

    I would be very careful about putting up posters in public places (such as telephone poles), though - you can get some pretty nasty phone calls, especially if you put on the poster that you're a young woman. Places that are a bit safer for posters might be local elementary schools, public library children's areas, etc.

  3. being a father. i would be a little hesitant to hire somebody your age. but some tips. be mature, and dont dress like an idiot. and let your work sell really good at it and

    the family your with will refer you to other people.

  4. depends on how much clientele you want. alot?? put an add on the door of your local library (ask first) or grocery store. don't list your age, and make sure you put something to the effect of " during summer break-evenings as well as days. that way it will let people know you are still school age (summer break). the best way to start babysitting for more people is reference. tell the family you sit for now, that to spread the word please if you are doing a good job. however, be prepared if this back-fires. i had a family not utter my name-because they thought that other families would take up the time that they needed me for. the best place also, is at a local kids day camp center, again ask first. they will probably let you put a sign (small) on the door-there are millions of families going in & out all day, every day. alot of parents will need a night out! have you taken a cpr class or babysitting class?? make sure you list on there whatever talents you have-cooking good meals (not pb&j every time) expireince with kids iof different ages, etc. you don't want a sign that says " i can babysit , call me" lol if they see your talents,they will call. ask the other family if you can tell people their phone # to give references-ps. don't advertise on the internet or the newspaper. you shouldn't do that unless you will watch the children in your home, period. if you are expecting to go to there house with the children, use only local advertisement-thier are creeps out there that can lead you to a bad situation. normally, the younger babysitters go to the clients home, and the older ones, watch at their home. pedofiles & perverts know this. good luck!!- by the way, i personally, think that 14 & 15 is the best babysittting age!! they seem to take more time with my kids, and less time with their friends while they are at my home!! stick to it! i mad $250 aweek at your age, you can do it

  5. try craigslist

  6. I think you may want to consider a babysitting course.  Check a local community college to see what is offered in your area.

    Failing that (or, better yet, in addition to a babysitting course), find an emergency first aid course to take.

    Parents feel more confident leaving their children in your care if they feel that you're trained to deal with stress and emergencies.

    As well, people involved in offering these courses may also receive phone calls from parents looking for responsible and qualified babysitters.

  7. you can always try putting an add in a market store (you know where you come in there are always people putting adds for anything) news papers... if you have a little brother or sister, maybe their friends need to be babysitt sometimes...

  8. I think that the word of mouth is the BEST way to get your busnessis started. Go to walmart and get those busnessis cards print up a few that have your contact info and maybe your fee. Than hand them out to families that you already have and just tell them that if they hear of anyone that needs a sitter if don't mind handing out your card. I did that and have recieved about 4-5 families from just one of my families that I had handed cards to.

  9. You could try placing adds on the bulletin boards of your local grocery stores and shopping malls.  

    Just a tidbit though:  Many people may be hesitant to hire you because you are only 14.  Perhaps ask your current clients to keep you in mind when their friends need sitters.  Be your own advocate.

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