My parents yelled at me about it maybe until I was eight or nine but now it's like they've given up on me. I've tried pills, arm clocks, you name it. But nothing seems to work. I've heard you grow out of it at one point, but I want to stop the problem now because it's taken over a big part of my life. I don't drink before bed and I go to the bathroom numerous times between dinner and bed, which is hard because I have some symptoms of diabetes and I need to keep hydrating, but I can't. Another thing is that often I'll have sudden urges, like my brain isn't signaled fast enough, like it takes a while for my bladder to know I have to go. I'm not sure if that's part of the problem either. However that affected a big part of my life too because there were points in elementary school where I didn't make it in time because I instantly had to go to the bathroom.