
I am a 18 year old girl and i am just asking do you think i am to young to be a mom?

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i have a good job i am very resposabl and i would love to have a little girl




  1. hi i am 17 and i have a 8 month old baby and i have his dad and my mom here helping and it is so hard still. i dont get to do the things i used to and i cant sleep when i want. i cant do nothing i want. dont get me wrong i love my son to death and he is so spoiled rotten. me and his dad are the only one that cares for him. my mom only watches him when i really need her to and she helps out when we dont have the money to get him what he needs and stuff like that. its not easy at all. its a BIG responsibility than what you think. trust me. i would wait if i was you its very hard.

  2. no way darcy its really up to u

    i had my twin girls at 13

    and my boy a few weeks old

    ur choice


  3. darcy, i had a baby girl at 18! her father died 6 months before her birth, and thank god i had parents that helped alot. now im 51 and shes 33 and a Dr. med. vet. believe me, it was a very hard stretch, but worth it. hindsight is always better, and i think that if i had had her 10 years later, it would have been a lot easier. ive been living with the same man for 31 years and we have a 22 year old son together, was easier. btw i live in germany and a lot of couples no longer bother to get married.

  4. no i dont think your too young. if your financially stable and responsible then i think its ok.

    i have managed a daughter now and when i got pregnant, i worked at mcdonalds, didnt have a stable relationship with the father, was a complete disaster child etc. and i was only 16.

    you sound like you could handle a baby just fine.

    good luck =]

  5. Personally, Yes.

    What if you had a boy?  If you "would love to have a little girl", then what would happen if it didn't turn out the way you want?  I think that at 18 what appears to be a good job often isn't.

    I know that many people do have children at 18, but it isn't easy.  I would advise anyone to wait.

  6. It's a little young, but you're officially an adult so.....

    What sort of "good job" could you have at 18? Maybe it's good money for just you, but I know mothers and little girls; she will drain every last dollar you've got. LOL I know you would spoil her crazy, so wait a little longer until you really start pulling in the dough (and have a nice quality significant other in your life) and give your child the life you want to give them.

  7. Yes, I do. Get an education, make something of yourself, and when you find that you don't need other's approval to make life choices, then you'll know you are ready.

  8. i was 18 when i had my son James, and even during birth i was telling the midwifes stuff they didn't know, i had read more books than some professionals had even heard of and when my son was 9 weeks old and very very ill i knew what was wrong before they did they tried to pass it off as colic but it wasn't stupid idiots, age is just a number as long as you are prepared that it will be hard thing to deal with and its a life long commitment then there is nothing that anyone can say about you, my mum is 43 and has a daughter who is 2.5years old and i care for her, even older people can mess things up its not all down to the young ones,  get calls early in the morning for many members of my family with kids for advice on what to do and they often call me before the hospital if the child is sick, so age is something that is a state of mind not anything else, also i wanted a girl and had my son lol. i love him more than anything and me and my fiance are now trying for another one, just make sure you are settled in a relationship and know that you can provide for that child's every needs...

    good luck

  9. I had my son at 19, it wasn't planned but obviously I don't regret it now. You don't mention anything about a relationship and it's important that the father is as commited as you are.  I split up with my sons when he was 2 yrs old, he was pathetic. It is hard work being a young mother but very rewarding, I found that I grew up very quickly but you must realise that u can't just drop things and go on a holiday with friends or nights out (of course u can go out but everything has to be planned beforehand) as most of your friends will still be childless u may find this difficult, I know I did.  My advice would be to wait a couple more years, you're still very young and have plenty of time to have children and don't set your heart on a certain s*x, you don't want to be disappointed if it's a boy.

  10. Hi im not being rude but just by the comment "i would love a little girl" sounds as if maybe 18 is abit young for a baby. I haven't got kids.. yet, im 24 in a serious relationship and i think im not quite ready yet, but even when my partner and I do talk about babies we dont say we want girls or boys we just want children any s*x as long as there healthy.

    Maybe u should hold off for a little bit.


  11. Everyone is different. I would not have been ready to care for another human being at that age but that is me. To each their own.

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