
I am a 23 year old male and am trying to loose 30 lbs in 6 weeks ?

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I am 5'9" and weigh 217lbs if I stick to a good cardio routene and eat very healthy is it possible to loose 30 lbs in 6 weeks, and please give any suggestions on helpful otc medications, or detox programs thank you.




  1. I say ya. Eat alot of fish and grains like rice. Work out twice a day one cardio one muscle

  2. hahaha. Seriously it didn't take you 6 weeks to gain it, sorry no healthy way.

  3. I have no suggestions but good luck to you.

  4. Is it possible?  Yes...

    Is it really what you want? That is another question.

    If you lose a "significant" amount of weight in a very short period of time (apart from a brief immediate spike after you start exercising) chances are you're losing mostly water weight - Which means you're no better off physically than you were before, and potentially worse off by any measurement other than the scale.  

    (The "Hollywood Diet" that is or at least was sold as GNC was this type.  By acting as a Diuretic, and basically starving yourself for a few days, it wasn't difficult to lose 5-10 pounds, but it wasn't also good for a person, or rarely made them look better)

    OTC medicines mostly will not help you.  Exceptions include green tea (or supplements) and possibly caffine.  

    More important is identifying your diet.  If you're eating Burger King and McDonalds, and finishing it off with Mountain Dew, you're making your workouts next to pointless.  

    Diet is realistically, at least as important (if not more so) than what particular exercise you do.  

    Another note, consider doing other things than "Just cardio".  A good example is squats - While in a 30 minute period cardio might make you burn more calories possibly, anaerobic exercises like squats will make your metabolism continue to work at a higher rate throughout the day than cardio alone will.  

    And, if you're talking 30 pounds, 6 weeks of cardio alone simply will not cut it.  

    Finally, reconsider a simple "30 pounds in 6 weeks".  Exercises like yoga occationally have people GAIN weight before they see any loss.  

    This isn't a bad sign, as they're gaining more muscle while burning away fat.  A "scale" isn't the measure everyone uses because it's necessarily accurate (most of the NBA would be considered Obese by using this weight as a statistic alone), it's used because it's almost mind-numbingly simple to take.  

    Just learn to use other metrics unless you have some reason you need to reach the magic number 30, such as buying and learning to use skin callipers, and/or possibly a heart rate monitor to make sure you're exercising "efficiently".  

    And just to repeat:  Diet is EXTREMELY important.   While there are exceptions, working out harder while making no changes in your diet is like trying to drive faster on the highway with two flat tires.  Sure, you might be going faster for awhile, but you're just that much more likely to crash.

  5. Huh, thats 5lbs a week. If you are really disaplined and I mean REALLY disaplined, do the Fat flush diet. Im a girl and I lost like 30lbs in 5 weeks. After you do the diet, SLOWLY transition to a more practical way of eating, so you dont gain all the weight back.

  6. There's no healthy way you can lose 30 pounds in 6 weeks.  You can do what you can & forget about the rest - or keep going until you do reach your goal.  Eat a healthy diet, drink plenty of fluids, slack off the starches, breads, pies, cakes, candy.  Get up an hour early & briskly walk 2 miles in the morning & again 2 miles in the evening.  If you must snack between meals, make them banana's, grapes, celery or baby carrots, etc.  My question is why did you wait so late to decide you needed to lose this amount of weight - procrastination?

  7. You are young enough that your metabolism should still be in pretty good shape.  Still, 30 pounds is a lot.  You need to adopt a rigorous calorie burning regimen and cut your intake drastically.  You could go low carb, but everyone I know has just put all the weight plus back on.  good luck.

  8. I think it might be a challenge but you could do it. That's some serious exercising! Your body would love to loose 30. Listen to your body. Eat when you're hungry. Don't eat when you're not. Don't overeat. And don't feel like you need to go back for 2nds because it tastes good. Make exercising your new hobby. Any spare time that you have you could do something physical instead of watching a movie or playing on the internet. I think people have an easier time when they use the buddy system. Workout w/someone, or go to the gym. I know a guy who lost a ton of weight because he started to go running every morning. I think he'd go like 5 miles and the next time I saw him he was lookin' real good. But 5 miles is a lot of work bro. I'm not a big fan of running but the important thing is to find something you like so you'll keep doin' it. For a guy your size, you should sweat when you workout. That's a good sign. If you never sweat, I'd say you're not workin' hard enough. But good luck. No doubt the ladies and everyone else will notice if you stick to it.

  9. If you do lost it I think it will come right back on. The best thing you can do is get a well balanced meal plan. I coach people & I see positive results with this & I have had my own but I don't agree with what you are planning on doing. I am a life coach so I help people set goals & just do what they can do & stick to it. I was the worst junk food eater & I ate alot & now I can't eat much yet I am always fulfilled. You have to understand how to balance your food & what to eat for snacks such as an apple cut in half & peeled & dipped in peanut butter for protein. So educate yourself in how to take care of your health & the weight will stop waiting & come off.& stay off.

  10. Your weight vs. your height doesn't indicate that a drastic change in diet and exercise would produce the results you want.  You could cut out all processed sugars and breads, pastas and flour.  That may kick start your metabolism in about 21 days.  Cardio is good too, get at least twenty minutes everyday (or at least five days a week).  To loose the weight you want to loose healthily, it will take 4-6 months not weeks.  Healthy weight loss is max 5-8lbs per month, with the amount slowing down each month.  People who are extrememly over weight see more drastic weight loss at first because they are generally unhealthy in their diets and exercise (meaning their diest are aweful and they don't excercise at all and they are a hundred or more pounds over weight).  You don't fit that category at least in terms of being overweight.  Slow and steady for you my friend.    

  11. Here is an excellent Detox program that I used myself. The weight just fell off!

  12. not 30lbs. probably half that

  13. Daily work-out is just the solution on your problem.

  14. try starting a crack habit for 6 weeks only...

  15. well i think it is possible if you stick to it also monitor your calorie in take and u can search on the web exactly what the healthy amount of calories for your body is and dont eat more then the amount and you have to eat fruits vegetables and lean protein stuff like orgqanic peanut butter and apples make a  great and healthy snack!

  16. Well for starters you have to be ready for the commitment and the change in diet, excersize, and different activities. Remember to always stick to something that maches your lifestyle and to never be in a hurry, if you want more effective results that last keep in mind that it takes longer. Losing weight and being healthier happens gradually ,as opposed to losing it in a matter of weeks. Never consider diets or fads, they may get you faster results but if you don't stick to their unrealistic standards you will find yourself gaining the weight back very fast.

    In the begining don't try to set your standards soo high because it may get you discouraged and cause you to lose focus if you don't achieve them when you want to. Focus on making an effort to change bad eating habits and laziness and your body will realize you want a change and everything will fall into place. If you are having a hard time hang around people who lift up your spirits and make you want to be energetic. Use some powerful inspiration and it will alleviate your stress and keep you motivated.

    When it comes to excersize start off doing what you can and gradually increase activity as your endurence and stamina increases with you. Jogging is a very good way to lose weight because your body is simultaneously in motion. A good tip to losing effective weight is by constantly challenging yourself, don't stay on one level be open and versatile. This may seem hard in the begginning but if you keep up with it it would be easy as eating cake. I hope my advice helps you!!


  17. if you are going to lose that much..the only way is to crash which case you will gain it all bakc once you stop crash dieting..guaranteed.

  18. First of all, contact a doctor before starting any form of diet or exercise.  They will inform you of any possible medical issues that may affect or interfere with you diet.

    2. Drink lots of water!  (no sugars, sweeteners, carbonated, etc)

    3. It is generally recommended to only lose about 2 pounds a week.  This is designed for long term and to avoid diet crashes.  Once you stop dieting, you don't want it to come back.

    4. proper exercise (cardio and weight) along with a sensible diet work best with any goal oriented success.

    Vary your exercise routine.  Jog, bike, swim, tennis (basketball or any vigorous sport) along with lifting weights, stomach crunches, etc.

    Play some good music or invite a friend to keep you company.

    Make it enjoyable!  If you have fun, you are more likely to stick with the program and have better success.

    Good luck.

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