
I am a 27 year old women. I have two children ages 5 and 2. I feel really lazy and tired.?

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Is there any other women that can relate?? I almost think it could be the weather. I feel like I could sleep all day.




  1. im feeling like that too. im in my 30s and have 2 teens and 5month old twins. even tho my boys are sleeping well at night i just cant shake the tiredness. think its just motherhood. its exhausting. its a good point about the weather, bad weather and lack of sunlight can be very debilitating, for me personally that's the case anyway. i always have more energy and need less sleep when the weathers favourable.

  2. You could be depressed, anemic, stressed, or just exhausted.  I have 4 kids and i have gone through every one of those things at one point or another. When i do sleep all day ironically i wake up feeling more tired than before i slept, and even lazier.

  3. It is possible you are experiencing clinical depression, perhaps due to postpartum, or for a variety of other reasons.  

    I tested out a few online depression self-tests and this one seemed to be both the most user-friendly and the most accurate.  If you come up depressed at all, you should probably see a doctor about getting some medication.  Remember, if this is indeed depression, it's a *physical* problem!  

  4. take some vitamins eat 3 well balanced meals daily and snap out of it who wants a mom who sleeps all day when my children were 5 and 2 they loved to be outside and i loved watching and playing with them. even when i felt lazy i knew i had to get up and handle my responsibility clean house cook and take care or the kids sleep all day yeah right i sleep at night when my children are asleep

  5. Im a mother to a 2 and a half but before he was born i was always tired and slept most of the day. I got a blood test done and found out i was anaemic. Basically you lack iron so it might help to get some iron tablets.

  6. Kids drain you.  It will get better as they get older and are less physically demanding on you.  There is nothing wrong with you.  I raised two girls with no help and I never felt rested until my youngest was ten. Um, 24 year old guys don't have a clue.  

  7. suck it up its life as a mother i really am preparing myself for no real sleep until my youngest is out of my house. I hate to be mean but its the hardest job in the world. It is going to drain you just go to bed as early as possible and find that time in the day to just sit and stop for at least 30 Min's and i know it maybe hard but if you just look at some of the things you do that maybe can be took-en off the list of things to do instead just sit down. I used to go to the post office i brought a extra mailbox for the mail man to pick up my outgoing mail which i have a lot due to my business and it has free up hours a week for me to just sit and i play music and just listen. my youngest is starting school next week. so it will get better i am moving up to taking gym classes in the late morning now that he will be going to school. i work from home and with them in school i will just be on cloud nine. they do grow up and it gets harder i am 26 with a 7 and 5 year old so i understand and maybe my first sentence was hard but i am in alaska away from my whole family no aunts, grandparents nothing and most people can't say they have never spent a night away from their kids but i have not no breaks 365 days for 7 years now and i believe that my case is rare not many people have no help at all so its hard for me to even think someone else is tried but i can understand.  

  8. 1) Get a good night sleep.... they say a grown up needs 8 but recent studies show due to the average work load/ stress of today's society you should get 9 hours. Plus there is no such thing as "making up sleep" Sleep 5 hours a night Mon and sleep in the weekends. That does not work

    2) Eat breakfast. All the studies are true, breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

    I am not a women but an in shape healthy active 24 male with degree in sports nutrition...

    And no its not the weather, that's in your head

  9. As the first poster said, I'd have your doc draw some blood to do  a complete blood count to rule out anemia and other things. Could just be the stress of having 2 young children though, in which case find a sitter and take some time for yourself.  

  10. It could be any number of things. If it's ongoing, I would recommend getting tested for anemia and thyroid disfunction.

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