
I am a 46 year old white guy and was wondering just how big my d**k is supposed to be ??

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I am a 46 year old white guy and was wondering just how big my d**k is supposed to be ??




  1. Its how big God wanted it to be. It does not matter how big it is.

    All that matters how will you can use it in a properly manner way.

    Most females are looking for a Guy who can treat them right and

    do wonderful things for them. Your p***s does not matter. Its

    your actions toward a female. The only thing that matters is you.

    May God Bless you.

  2. It must be pretty small if you have to ask.

  3. It is a little strange that you are asking at your age....  but hey, knowledge can be a good thing.

    I refer you to the Wiki link below for more information than you may ever want to know about the male sexual organ.


  4. 6 inch  

  5. average male d**k is about six inches......if ur about 5.5 that's till ok....if ur above that good for u......

  6. Did I miss something?  Is there a logical reason to wait until you're 46 years old to finally ask this question?  Talk about a late bloomer!  Why would you worry about this minor detail at this stage of the game?  If you're not happy with what you've got - do you plan on trading it in for a newer model?  It aint gonna happen!

  7. wowow'

    most boys care abouyt this when there young; but all the men ive done ur age have had 13 inchers or bigger how big is urs

  8. You're 46 - you don't need to know.

  9. I'll be 46 in a week and a half.  I'll measure mine then and let you know.

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